Chapter 14: I Like Him Too Much

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3rd Person POV

Upon arriving at Jackson's house, Mark began to review the material with Jackson. "Uhh, I actually don't know this one Marky." Mark smiled. "At least I can finally help you on something," the elder kindly replied. Mark began explaining the chapter to Jackson. Just like in class, Jackson couldn't take his eyes off of Mark. If anything their moment at the Ahgase Shop only confirmed it. There was a connection that was meant to be something more than friendship between the two boys. Jackson could feel it. He wanted to be with Mark and feel his warm embrace, his kiss, and spend every moment with him. "So do you get it now Jackson?" " Explain it again for me?" the younger slowly said. "Alright fine. Pay close attention." Jackson heard him the first time, he just wanted to hear Mark's sweet voice again.

After finishing his tutoring session, Jackson turned on a movie right away. After doing school work he just wanted to relax. Mark didn't plan on staying, but he actually wanted to see the movie Jackson turned on. Movies had pretty much become their thing. If they didn't watch a movie together, they definitely discussed them together. "Mind if I stay and watch?" Mark asked the younger. Jackson was already laying on the couch. "Oh sure. If you want." Mark nodded and sat on the couch. As the movie began Jackson slowly found his head resting upon Mark's lap. Mark didn't seem to realize, as he didn't move once the younger's head rested upon his lap. Mark even started playing with Jackson's hair during the movie. Jackson burst with excitement. He knew Mark probably didn't notice what he was doing, but he was happy Mark was spending time with him and that the two had become so close.

Once the movie ended Mark packed his things and headed for the door. "Alright, Wang I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the food and movie," Mark said smiling widely. "Anytime Marky. I'll see you tomorrow." Mark had one foot out the door when Jackson suddenly back hugged him from behind. A shocked Mark stopped. "Get home safe." Mark just smiled. "I'll text you when I get home." "Good," Jackson said sadly. He didn't want Mark to leave. Jackson finally released Mark and waved bye to Mark as he headed for home.

Jackson felt that his heart was going to beat out of his chest. The more and more time he spent with Mark, the more and more his heart fluttered over him. He liked him a lot, but he wasn't even sure how Mark felt about him. Jackson pulled out his phone and decided to text his friend Bambam, who also went to school with him and Mark, for some advice.

To: Bambam

Jackson: Double B I like him way too much.

Bambam: Who Mark? Did you watch a movie again? Y'all been getting really close.

Jackson: Of course Mark you idiot and we did, I wish he was my boyfriend. Should I tell him how I feel?

Bambam had a boyfriend named Yugyeom, and Jackson always went to him for advice on any crushes, relationships or even just to vent. If anyone could help him, Bambam could.

Bambam: Lol does he like you back?

Jackson: I don't know we haven't talked about it.

Bambam: Just keep doing what you're doing Jackson and see where it goes. I think you're on the right track.


Mark stepped inside the house with Youngjae nowhere in sight. He found a note at the dining table. "Went for a weekend getaway with Jaebum. The house better be clean when I get back...and Mark you like him". Mark rolled his eyes with a smile. He knew that Youngjae meant Jackson. It became a joke between them now, especially because Mark spent so much time with Jackson. Youngjae would continuously tease Mark that he likes Jackson. So it seemed Mark would have the house to himself for the weekend and he was looking forward to relaxing, but at the same time he felt a bit lonely.


And Bambam appears! Hope you're enjoying of my fav parts I wrote is coming :)

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