Chapter 29: Happy

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Jackson POV

We arrive at my house and I sit on the couch, pulling Mark onto my lap. "Do you want to watch a movie Marky?" "Of course. That's our thing." I turn on a movie and return with some snacks. as the movie goes on Mark's head finally finds itself towards my stomach, laying on my lap. He continues to readjust his position. Come to think of it, it was the first time he was laying on me. It was usually the opposite. "Mark, what are you doing?" "I can't get comfortable! Your abs keep hurting my head!" "Sorry, you can't take the wild and sexy Jackson!" "You're an idiot!" I pull Mark up instead back hugging him, and allowing him to lie back and rest on me.

Once the movie ends Mark turns to face me. He pushes me down so he is on top of me. "That movie sucked." "Well, I'm sorry Mr.Hard to Please!" He laughs. "It's fine because I got to see it with you." He pulls me into a heated and passionate kiss. He continues to pull me closer and closer, making it hard to breathe. I finally pull back in order to take a much-needed breath. Mark plops his head on my chest staring straight into my loving eyes. "What?" I ask. "I love you," he replies. "I love you too," I tell him.

I couldn't believe this was all happening. I had such a huge crush on Mark, I wanted us to be together, I wanted to call him mine, and it was finally happening. It was real. He was mine, he was my boyfriend. Despite everything that happened, and all the bumps in the road, what waited at the end of the long, dramatic road was worth it. I wouldn't have changed anything because the guy of my dreams...was finally a reality and right next to me.

I never told Mark how sad I really was after our fight. I didn't tell him about all the tears I cried, the pain I felt, how much I hated myself because I thought I ruined everything, how disgusting I thought I was for liking Mark. Calling my parents and telling them how heartbroken I was and to tell them I was coming home was the hardest part. They hated to see me, their only son, so broken. It was the whole reason I moved to Seoul. I didn't feel like myself. I couldn't find happiness. They hadn't seen me happy for a long time. It felt as if I was living a never-ending nightmare and the only way to wake up was to run away. I ran from Hong Kong, and I was going to run from Seoul...and Mark. Or so I thought.

But the universe works in mysterious ways. Just when I thought I hit my lowest, Mark pulled me back up. He woke me up from the nightmare I was living and helped my dream become a reality. The universe somehow heard my cry for help and answered it. Even though Mark thought he had pushed me away, and I tried to push him away. He never gave up, and he never refused to let go. He couldn't let go of me as hard as he tried and as hard as I tried. So even though he thought he pushed me away and left my side...he really didn't because he never stopped fighting to stop me from leaving. He never gave up on me. The entire reason I asked him to promise and stay by my side forever all because I was finally happy. When I was with Mark I was the happiest, and for once in my life, I wanted to stay happy. And with's finally happening.

 I made my parents cry when I called them to tell them I was staying in Seoul. I wouldn't be coming home. But they weren't sad tears. They were happy because they finally realized it. I was finally living the life I wanted to. And more importantly, I found my soulmate. They didn't care if it was another guy, they were overjoyed that I had finally found the happiness I was searching for. And just like me, they couldn't be happier.

As I lay in bed next to Mark, I pull him closer to me. My arms wrap tightly around his slender frame. I can't believe I get to call him mine. I love him so much. I didn't deserve someone so perfect. Before I realize Mark is looking at me worried. "Jackson? Why are you crying?" He was right tears were falling from my face. "Because Mark...I'm so happy." Mark begins running his fingers through my hair. "What do you mean?" "For once in my life...I'm finally happy. That's why I asked you to stay by my side. When I'm with you I'm the happiest person in the world. I love you, Mark Tuan...more than I've ever loved anything." Mark buries his face in my chest and tightly hugs me. "I love you too Jackson...more than anything in this world." Our lips meet again one last time before the night ends. I look at Mark lovingly never wanting this moment to was perfect.


I really wrote this chapter as a filler chapter and it was originally like 100 words...then it turned into this and I AM LIVING!!! I LOVE IT! <3 I hope you all loved it too!  I hope you liked seeing Jackson's POV on everything that happened. Maybe it even got a little deep? Lol. Sorry bbs...1 more chapter and then the epilogue. :( Our Markson story (at least this one) is coming to an end...

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