Chapter 5: I Like Texting You

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Mark POV

After our BBQ lunch, Youngjae slipped his number to Jaebum the waiter. Shockingly Jaebum, or JB as he said he was called, invited him out tonight. Youngjae accepted instantly, giving me the night alone in the house. It was so obvious that the two were into each other. I wondered if maybe there was someone here in Seoul like that waiting for me. Whatever's gonna happen will happen I guess. I laid down on the couch wrapped in my favorite blanket. All alone in the main living room, I was snug watching TV. Out of nowhere, my phone lit up as it rested on the table. To my surprise, it was Jackson.

Jackson: Hey Markkkk. Did you like Ahgase Shop?

I'm instantly reminded of Youngjae and what he said to me during lunch today. It was almost as if I could hear him rattling out his list of worries to me because of texting Jackson. God he really was like my mom.

Mark: Hey "Jackson". Yeah, I did. The food was sooo delicious!

Jackson: Aww I'm glad to hear it! Um, why did you put my name in those " thingies?

Mark: Uhh quotation marks? And because I don't even know if that's your real name. Lol for all I know you could be some creepy 50-year old guy tryna talk to me.

Jackson: Lol why would you think that?

Mark: Um because it's not normal for two random strangers to become texting buddies over a wrong text. Lol and it'd be creepy as hell for a 50-year old to be texting a 22-year old.

Jackson: Dude I'm 21. So technically, you're the older one. Lmao

Mark: And why should I believe you?

Jackson: Omg why should I believe you? What would I get out of lying to you? Lol. I'll stop texting you if that's what you want...

As weird as it sounded. I actually enjoyed talking to Jackson. He seemed so relaxed. So kind. I mean sure we haven't even been talking that long, but I enjoyed texting him. He helped me feel a little bit less lonely in this big city, especially when I was alone like tonight. I wanted to continue talking to him. Besides, I would need as many friends in Korea as possible.

Mark: No pls don't leave. Lol I'm not lying. I need someone to talk to I'm bored. My friend went out and left me alone.

Jackson: Ok fine. I like texting you anyway. :)

Mark: Where are you from?

Jackson: Hong Kong. I moved to Korea though to get out on my own. Lol hbu

Mark: I'm from LA. I came here to go to University much to my mother's chagrin.

Jackson: It's only because she loves you. I miss my parents all the time.

Mark: Lol yes. My mom's the best. But you're parents just let you come out here?

Jackson: Yeah they're pretty chill.

Mark: Lol my mom worries over everything. Speaking of which I better call her before she has a heart attack. I'll ttyl "Jackson".

Jackson: Okay "Mark". I'll talk to you later too :)

I don't know what it was. I just liked texting Jackson. We really seemed to just mesh and get along.Maybe it was my lack of friends here but I feel like I had to text him. "I like texting you..." As much as I hate to even admit it, I like texting him too and I don't even know the guy. Why am I such a weirdo? I drift asleep calmly after calling my worried mother, assuring her I was fine, wondering if Jackson was really telling the truth about everything.


Ooh some interaction!! Does Jackson sound like a cool guy...I hope so. He may or may not be making his first appearance soon.

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