Beauty Or Beast, Monster Or Hero

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In the room full of people all Selene could see was the messy black hair that didn't stand out in particular but to her it did, the crystal clear blue eyes that seemed to spark up with every turn of his, his high cheekbones highlighted by the lights, his plump lips which were unmoving as they completed the stoic look he had on and with the piercings decorating his right eyebrow, nose and lower lip he looked even more dangerous. He looked unapproachable, because everyone feared him. They feared that beautiful face which had so much anger almost obvious for everyone to see.

No one knew why he was at the party. It was too formal, to fancy for his tastes. He was a man known for being hidden by the darkness of the nights, yet he was in the spotlight for the first time in his life. Maybe that's why he stood out, he looked out of place. While everyone was dressed in flashing suits and long, beautiful gowns, he wore an all black ensemble consisting of skin tight, leather pants, that only accentuated his thick and muscly thighs, a ripped black shirt, revealing flashes of his abs and collarbone, hidden underneath a long coat hitting jut above the ground which had a few silver details to the chest area and shoulders including the buttons running down the edge.
He was known for that exact signature coat, he wore it every time he was seen, yet it never had a rip, scratch or any other substance thrown onto it.

He was also known for his killings, his cruelty and his merciless attitude. No one has encountered him in his acts of killing and the ones who did were peacefully laying six feet under. No one has seen him kill therefore no one could arrest him. But, the police wouldn't want to arrest someone that killed all the villains, would they? Yes, he didn't kill out of fun, he killed for justice. He was a hero for some, but a villain for others. The families of the real villains also suffered, even though they know their close ones are evil that doesn't mean they won't cry about their passings.
That's why the blue eyed beauty was hated by many, why he got so many filthy glances thrown to him as he calmly stood near the center of the big ballroom.

As some were whispering about him and some glaring at him, others, like Selene, were openly admiring his beauty, not just outer but inner beauty too. Not many have had the pleasure of actually speaking to him, but Selene was one of the special ones.
She knew him.
Not the present him, but the past him. The young man, hero in the making. Even though, even then, he was still as mysterious as ever, he wasn't able to hide his emotions as easily, that's why Selene knew that behind that emotionless mask he has on, he felt. Deep and hard. So maybe the monster isn't much of a monster he leads on to be.
The only problem is, as much as Selene wanted to, she too was scared to approach the present him and try and break down his walls to get to the real person, the real Daemon.

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