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Selene spent most of her day at home until her parents went to work.
They worked from afternoons until late at night and got home at 12 am, so Selene had almost all day to go out and do some investigating.
As always, she didn't forget to take her gun with her and headed out.
The only place that she was almost 100% sure would provide her with information was the most famous bar in the city- 'The Southerner'.
All the biggest gossipers and drinkers were there and it was full 24/7. It also happened to be a place where Selene had a friend. Her only one at that.

"Hey West. Long time no see." She greeted her blonde friend. The place was oddly not as full as always so she easily found a seat at the bar.
West propped his elbows on the surface and smirked at her.
"Well, look who decided to show. I thought you hated this place."
"Eh, I'm getting used to it." She shrugged.
"Want a drink?" West offered.
"Sure. Gimme something not too alcoholic. It's still early." West nodded and in a second brought her a glass with an unknown drink.
"I mixed up something new. Try it."
Selene took a gulp and was pleasantly surprised when it tasted...good.
"It's good. What's in it?" She asked.
"Secret." He bopped her nose.
"So, what brings you here, other than missing my beautiful face." Selene laughed at the dummy across her but turned serious for her answer.
"Actually, I was looking to ask a few questions about someone..." She trailed. He nodded so she continued.
"About Daemon. And yes, that Daemon." West also went to school with Selene and he knew exactly who she was talking about.
"Why are you suddenly interested in him?" He didn't know that she's been...intrigued by him for a long time now, but he didn't need to know that.
"Well..." She quietly explained what had happened so no one would hear.
"And don't tell anyone. Got it?" She finished.
"Got it. I could ask around. But what exactly do you wanna know?" He asked.
"Where he hangs around, where he lives... If it's possible these two questions." She looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Okay, I'll ask. Just wait here 20 minutes max and you'll have your answers. But you owe me one." He pointed a finger at her.
"Anything you want." She grinned.

Not even 15 minutes later West comes back looking as cool and collected as ever.
"Meet me at the back in 5." He passed her and went to a new customer.

Selene left a tip under her glass and exited the bar. She made a short turn and waited for him in the secluded alleyway.
A minute after he appeared from the door.
"Okay, so, first of all, promise you won't go there." He crossed his arms.
"I can't." She sighed.
"Not telling then." He turned to leave but Selene grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"I need to know this West. Please." West couldn't possibly say no to her. He had a weak spot.
"Ugh, fine. So, apparently he lives up  Mount Fog in one of the abandoned factories. And one guy told me he's usually seen hanging around the cat lady's house. The guy even told me he's been seen petting the cats." He laughed. "But yeah. Now please tell me you'll go only at the cat lady's place."
"I'll try there first, but if I don't find him there I'm going to Mount Fog." Selene nicely explained.
"If you go there, please tell me so I come with. You shouldn't go there alone, you know how scary that place is." West genuinely was afraid for her.
"No. You can't. I need to go there alone. And I'm not afraid since I know he'll be there." Selene absentmindedly smiled.
"But, you shouldn't be so sure in any of the info. And you can't trust that man so much. He saved you once, doesn't mean he'll do it again." West was partially right.
"He will. He saves people that need help." But Selene was convinced.
"If you're really gonna go through with this, I really hope nothing happens to you. I don't wanna lose you." West really cared for Selene. Maybe even more as a friend, but Selene was too naive to see that.
"You won't. I promise." Selene threw him a small smile and opened up her arms to wrap them around him.
West gladly accepted, knowing this was as far as he would ever get with her.

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