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Daemon had to admit that even though these cops did nothing to stop the little crimes in the city, they surely knew how to plan out a big attack.

The cop, who introduced himself as Froid, accompanied by another detective, Quincy, he was called, and a  forensic scientist named Rita all gathered together to explain to Daemon everything he had to know about the woman, which apparently was a very well known hitwoman. No one knew her real name but she went by the pseudonym Angel. They say that she called herself that because she looked as pure as one but very ironically didn't act like one.
The team also explained how everything worked in the world of crime and how the plan went and how it'd be executed. It all made sense to Daemon, the plan wasn't anything too thought out, but just enough. And it was going to happen in exactly 5 days. No one would suspect it and that was the reason it would be perfect.

"Now that you know everything, I need to do a medical exam on you." Doctor Rita clapped her hands in anticipation.
"What? Why? I'm fine."
"A little bird told me you got shot, but I see you're in perfect shape now. I wonder I want to see." She smiled innocently.
"...fine." He didn't want to fight in this. Besides, he wanted to know too.

After being stabbed with needles countless times in many different places, scanned multiple times and asked dozens of questions Doctor Rita seemed like she was done.
"You're something special alright." She sat down on the spinning chair.
"I found a lot of strange and very rare drugs in your body, which even if I try and explain, you wouldn't understand, all you need to know is that they affected your body. Strangely. Obviously they made you much stronger, much bigger and smarter. Your levels of...well everything, are abnormally high and yet you function normally. A whole bill wound shut by itself for fucks sake, that isn't something you see everyday." She threw her hands. "There isn't any evidence of a wound on your chest, it's like you didn't lose any blood at all. I've never seen anything like this before." She huffed.
"So, is this...good or bad?"
"Good. Better than good. Excellent. You're a once in a lifetime miracle. I can do so much research with your blood and I'll maybe find a cure for something I don't know, maybe I can test you out more and-" She suddenly shut up as Daemon's eyes glowed.
"Oh my..."
"I am not a experiment. You can't use me in any way. I don't allow that. Got it?!" He growled with a voice deepened by a few octaves.
Doctor Rita gulped and nodded in fear. "I'm sorry. I won't do anything you don't want."
"Now tell me, will you give me more of the drugs or do I have to get them myself?"

It was very late at night and Selene ran all the way to the police station determined to see Daemon.
'If he's even alive...'
She pushed the doors open with full force and her eyes searched around for someone to tell her something...anything that would lead her to him.
"Mister." She spotted and older cop walking by. He stopped and turned to her.
"Where did they take him? A very tall man with black hair and blue eyes." She panted.
"No one is allowed to see him." He continued to walk.
"Wait. No. I have to see him. Hey!" She called for him but he ignored her. She was fuming now. She went down one of the hallways in hope of finding someone and when she saw no one she started opening and aggressively closing random doors. She caused commotion and the noise grabbed the attention of Froid. He was in his office now because Daemon was with Doctor Rita and he just wanted to enjoy his delicious sandwich.
"Who the hell is out there?" He threw open the door and met face to face with Selene.
"Mister...I want to see my friend. His name is Daemon. He was arrested by false accuse-"
"Okay, okay. Shush. First of all I can arrest you for causing havoc at a police station, second, your friend isn't here, only a few cops here and one else. And third..." Suddenly, a door opened and Selene saw Daemon walking out.
"Daemon!" She ran to him and jumped in his arms, squeezing him as tight as she could. Daemon was surprised and stood still as he took a look at Froid who just looked annoyed and then he hugged her back.
"I'm sorry Daemon. I'm so sorry my mom did this..." She sobbed in his arms.
"No, Selene, look at me, I'm okay, they didn't do anything." He pulled away from her to look at her tear stained face. He brushed his thumbs over her cheeks and said, "Don't cry. I'm here."
"Sorry to break up this moment but I need to finish my sandwich and you need to rest. And you girl, need to go home." Froid crossed his arms.
"Froid, can she stay here? She'll be with me in the room I'm sleeping in."
"No." Froid turned to walk back in his office but Daemon wasn't giving up.
"Come on Froid. Just tonight. It's dark outside. She came all the way here..."
"Damn you. Okay. funny business." Selene smiled at Daemon.
"There's a good cop and bad cop, why am I the good one..." Froid mumbled with a sour expression as he sat at his desk.

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