The Day After

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When Selene opened her eyes and saw gray walls surrounding her she jumped up in panic.
"Where am I?" She frantically looked around until she realized what had happened. It all came back to her but she was still wondering how she was still alive. She thought he killed her when she closed her eyes.
'Is this hell...or heaven...?' She thought.
She got out of the surprisingly cozy king sized bed she was laying in and searched around the room.

It was mostly empty except for the bed, two nightstands on each side with candles on top of them, a desk and chair in one corner with an empty hanger next to them and a couple of boxes filled with unknown things.
Thankfully there was a big window on one side so the place was bright.
From looking at the clock on the desk she saw it was 2 pm.
'How long was I sleeping for?' Selene wondered and sat down on the bed again.
It was very cold so she just laid back in bed waiting. For what? She could've just ran back home and back to safety but she stayed. Her parents wouldn't be worried because she has spent nights in her gallery before without calling them. They were used to not seeing her home so they wouldn't worry now. Maybe that's why she stayed. She had nothing to lose. He didn't kill her yesterday and he let her sleep in his bed.
'Wait...If I slept in his bed, where did he sleep? Did he...No, he couldn't have...'
Even though it was freeing cold a blush still managed to appear on her face. The mere thought of her sharing the bed with that beauty made her heart jittery.

Lost in her thoughts she was slightly frightened when she saw him enter through the door. And oh, what a view it was for her.
His tall stature bended down to enter through the door and the second he directed his eyes towards her she got lost in them. They were mesmerising, pulling her in, she drowned in them.
She didn't care if she was staring at him, this moment was probably going to happen once and she savoured it.
When she was done looking at his eyes, she let her gaze drop down to his defined body, which was definitely one of a kind.
He was wearing a white shirt slightly too tight for his body which made his chest muscles and abs outline and looking further down she saw the black jeans hugging his perfectly shaped long legs.
Maybe she was taking the ogling too far...
"Eat this then leave. And never come back." His words broke her out of the trans she had fallen in. He didn't show any emotion on his face but he must've noticed how he was looking at him. And she blushed again. But much more intensely now.
"O-okay. Thank you." She stuttered again. It's like the little girl in her blossomed out.
He placed the bag on the bed and she saw that it was a packed sandwich.
"D-do I need to pay you f-for this?" Hesitantly, she asked.
"No. Just eat faster and go. And stop talking." The harshness of his voice made Selene's heart clench a little but she knew that he had a little good in him. He bought her food. Hell, he didn't kill her.

She silently ate the sandwich and watched him while he sat on the chair and rubbed his temple.
'He must be tired' She thought.
"Y-you can come lay down here. I'll leave now." She packed the half eaten sandwich back in the bag and turned to leave. While her back was to.him, he took the chance to look at her.
'She'll get a cold dressed in that coat' He thought before he snapped back and shook out the thought.
"That blanket won't keep you warm all winter." Selene said and closed the door as she left.

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