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A day was all that was needed for Selene's parents to get divorced. Them working for a prestigious company gave them many pros including a lot of connections with people. That's how her mother found the best lawyer and finished the job immediately. Selene was very surprised her father didn't protest. He just said "It was expected. I hope you'll have a better life and if you ever need something, I'm still a father, maybe not a good one for you, but nonetheless one that at least has decency to stay as just that." and after bidding goodbye to her mother he left the office where they had met. Selene didn't think of her father as a monster, but he wasn't good either. He had his ways of thinking that no one really got and maybe that's why she didn't like him. But, still, he was her father and after his last words she knew that he had some goodness left in him. And she respected that.

She respected her mother more though.

She was certainly a strong woman, she had a poker face all the while they  settled the divorce. Selene knew that her mother still loved her father but she loved Selene more. It must've been a hard decision, but Selene trusted in her mother and believed she had made the right choice.

The day after the divorce, Selene and her mother started packing all their belongings from their old house ready for moving. Her father called a few helping hands, that also had a truck to transport the things to the new house. The men that helped all looked buff and shady, but Selene didn't want to pay attention to that. It was her father's problem who he had business with.

It took almost all day to finish moving in and at the end the women were tired.

Selene was so busy that day that she didn't even stop by West's house again to get the suitcase she had there.
'That'll be a job for tomorrow' With that being the last thing she thought for the day, she went to her new and empty room and laid down on the mattress to sleep.

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