A Normal Day

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After both Selene and Daemon had the first good nights sleep they've had in a long while they woke up feeling refreshed and happy. Until Froid came knocking on the door.
"Rise and shine lovebirds!" He clapped with his hands.
"We're up Froid." Daemon replied with a groggy voice.
"Well then, no need to waste precious time in laying around. Come, we have work to do." With a wave of his hand towards the door he left.
"Let's go and not keep him waiting." Selene stood up and waited for Daemon to do so as well. With a deep sigh he followed her outside and led her to the office where they had their meetings. They entered and saw Froid, Rita and Quincy chatting while two other policemen stood on both sides of the door.
"The girl can't stay." Said Quincy.
"She can and she will." Daemon sat down pulling Selene with him.
"I'm in this as deep as Daemon is. I was there when everything happened and I want to help too." The trio plus Daemon all looked at Selene and it didn't take long until Froid declared,
"Fine then. You can stay. But you need to help." Selene nodded and smiled.
"So, this is our plan..." Froid began.

They explained the whole plan to Selene and it was time to test out the weapons and equipment for the attack. Quincy led everyone to a room filled with all sorts of weapons and machinery, picked and laid out all the needed ones.
"Since we don't want her dead, all we need is these two types of tranquillisers and these little handy knives." On the table first there was a smaller gun that could easily fit in a pocket and by it an equally small syringe filled with blue liquid. Next to it was a much bigger gun that looked more like a rifle and next to were laid out four syringes with different colored liquids inside,one blue, one red, green and clear.
"This blue one is the weakest and only shortens the breathing, the red shortens the eyesight, the green hits the stomach and causes vomiting and the clear one hits the nervous system and paralyses the body. They'll be placed in the gun accordingly and you use them only when it's absolutely necessary." Rita explained.
"But...I'll get to use my fists right?" Daemon raised his head to look at the trio.
"They're the secret weapon." Replied Rita.
"Don't stress it boy, with our help you'll beat her in a jiffy." Froid tapped Daemon's shoulder before going for the door. "I'll be off now, enjoy your day." And he left.
"I have some documents to go over." Quincy exited in two long strides.
"Wanna hang out with me?" Rita clapped her hands in excitement.
"No." Both Daemon and Selene said in unison. Rita frowned and left, stomping out. Selene and Daemon looked at each other and erupted in laughter.

"Hey Daemon," Selene said as they laid in their cell/room. "Wanna go out on a date?" Daemon turned to see her playing with the hem of her shirt.
"A date?" He asked.
"Yeah, like, go out and have some fun." She looked at his confused face.
"Sure. But where?"
"I don't know. Let's decide while we walk." She stood up and grabbed his hand to pull him. He let her and they went outside.
"Oh hey. I got an idea. Wanna go to the zoo? I haven't been there since I was little." Selene jumped around that Daemon couldn't refuse her.
"I've never been to the zoo." Selene audibly gasped.
"We have to go now!" She took his hand again and started running with him following her. Daemon was very surprised to see her so cheerful. He would remember to ask her about the sudden change in demeanor. 

With the running they arrived at the zoo in about 10 minutes. Selene stopped with her hands on her knees and panted.
"Are you okay?" Daemon slightly crouched to pat her back.
"Y-yeah. I just need...a minute." After she stabilised they bought two tickets which Selene paid for since Daemon was broke. He felt bad for not paying and it was their first date too.
"Time to see how much I know about animals." Selene snickered.
They went all around the zoo and Selene made sure to explain all she knew about every animal. She showed special interest when they arrived at the pandas. She gushed on and on about how much she loved them and wanted one as a pet. Daemon found that all incredibly interesting and smiled with adoration while listening to her. She didn't even notice him staring at her, she was too lost in her own world.
"You really like pandas don't you?" He smiled at her.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was talking a lot wasn't I? I just really like pandas I guess." She got embarrassed suddenly and her cheeks got hot.
"Don't get shy now. I think it's cute how you get so happy for this." He pinched her cheek.
"What's- what's your favourite animal?" She asked him.
"From now on...it's pandas." She let out a little laugh and shook her head.
"Let's go sit at the cafe." She told him.

The zoo had its own little cafe that sold animal themed drinks and Selene decided to get the Flamingo Cocktail, that was all pink and tasted of strawberries and Daemon got the Bluebird that was obviously blue and tasted like blueberries. They laughed and talked until the last drop of their drinks then headed back.
"I want to do something before we go back." Selene said.
"Let's go to my house."

"Hi mom." Selene greeted when Daemon and her arrived.
"S-Selene?" She looked surprised.
"Can we come in?"
"Yes. Yes, come in." They entered and saw Geraldine sitting in the living room. She jumped up when she saw them.
"Oh kids. I missed you so much." She ran up and hugged them both.
"We missed you too Miss Geraldine." Said Selene.
"Daemon how are you?" Geraldine started inspecting him.
"Come over there Miss, I'll tell you what happened." He led her to the kitchen, partially because he also wanted Selene to talk to her mom.
"Mom..." Selene couldn't hold it in. She tried but seeing her mother already looking so sad made her shed tears. She walked up to her and enveloped her in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry mom, I'm so sorry." She whispered, her words muffled by her sobs.
"No, honey. It's okay. I forgive you. Don't cry darling." Her mother pulled away only to put her hands on Selene's cheeks and wipe her tears.
"I shouldn't have done anything without asking you first. I know you're a grown woman, you can make your own decisions. For that I'm sorry."
"No, mom. You were just looking out for the best for me. I can't be angry at you for being a mother. I'm sorry too."
"Why don't I make you some tea and I can see who this Daemon really is, huh?" Selene smiled and nodded.

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