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"Your parents really got a divorce huh?" West asked as Selene was tidying up her suitcase so she could close it.
"Yeah. But i guess it was for the best. And now I have an actual home and I won't need to bother others." Selene picked up the suitcase with a sigh.
"I don't think you bothered anyone. But, to each their own." West took the suitcase out of her hands and went down the stairs. She followed and saw him standing next to the front door.
"That eager for me to leave, huh?" Selene joked.
"Well, I do have to get to work sooo..." he shrugged, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow...or some other day, I don't know..."
"Yeah, see you." Then she remembered.
"You know when I'll see you? On my gallery opening tomorrow at 7." She bumped his shoulder. "If you're coming that is."
"Sure. I'll come." He answered nonchalantly.
"Bye then. Until tomorrow." Selene grinned.

When she arrived home all she wanted was to lay down and not give a shit about anything. But, she had things to do and places to be, so she got to work right away.
She unpacked all the things, she made her bed, she put all the clothes in her wardrobe, her books on the shelves, her painting one against another in the corner and her easel next to her also decorated desk. And all in a matter of 2 hours. Now she was spent. So, she made some quick lunch, ate it while resting her legs for a few minutes before her mother came home.
"Why so early today mom?" She asked.
"Your father said he'll finish my work for the day, that I should go and unpack and if I can I come to work tomorrow." Her mother answered while taking off her shoes and coat.
"Ah, okay. Should I help you unpack, I already finished for myself." Selene offered although she'd rather sleep.
"Sure. You can start here and I'll be in my room."
With a deep sigh Selene got to work...again.

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