Dark Days

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For the next two days Selene was feeling lifeless. After calling the police to the crime scene she had to spend all night there answering all their questions. She told them as much as she knew about her father's connection to Lyle Lions and she got answers as to who and what exactly Lyle was dealing with. Apparently he was dealing with more than drugs, he sold women and men, even children like slaves. He had killed an endless amount of people and had a hand in almost every crime done in this city. The police would rather have him alive and captured for interrogation but at the same time it was good he died. Maybe the crime rates would subside a little.

When they released Selene her mother was already called at the police station and she knew about the death of her father. She wasn't crying when Selene saw her but as soon as they got home she bawled. Of course she would. She lost her ex husband who she didn't even end things well with. Even though an ex, both Selene and her knew that she still loved him. The mother and daughter spent the night comforting each other while crying their feelings out and they woke up with tissues thrown all around them.
That day was the day of the burial and that didn't end any less painfully. It was while his grave was lowered into the ground that her mother really felt the most pain at. She held her emotions back but she wanted to scream, Selene was the comfort she needed to get through it. They held each others hand and stayed by one anothers side until the ceremony was over.
The days passed in mourning and Selene didn't leave the house. For one she was spent from all the sadness and headaches everything caused and second- she was still afraid to leave the house thinking someone might come and try to avenge Lyle's death.
The only productive thing she did those few days was paint. She felt emotional and found inspiration in that.

The last time she saw West was at the burial but he knew very well how she must've felt so he didn't say anything else except for a "I'm sorry for your loss." and Selene was glad. She didn't feel like talking at all. But, she did miss one person- Daemon. He didn't show up that day and she badly wanted him to. She hadn't seen him and she needed someone to be by her side. Someone other than her mother, because she couldn't possibly help in any way considering she was in the same situation. Selene considered going to Daemon's home and she decided not to do so. Her mind also drifted off to Geraldine. She hadn't seen her in days and she wanted to.
'Maybe tomorrow' she thought and began to fall asleep again.

Meanwhile, Daemon was back home and he felt a bit more intense than Selene. While she was mourning, he was going crazy. He took the last pill when he killed the old man and it's been days since that. His body couldn't stand the emptiness the drug fulfilled. He went searching for a new bottle of it but he found none. The place he usually got it from didn't have any and when he found out why he almost lost his mind. The man he had killed to save Selene was the mind behind the drug and without him it couldn't be produced anymore.
Daemon was going to quite literally...go mad. Unless, he could find an alternative...He knew where the biggest street drug dealers hung out. And it wasn't far from his place.

"Do you know who he is?" The blond woman asked Knuckles, the big man who by a hair managed to survive the beating he got from the blue eyed man. Before the police arrived at the scene he escaped to safety.

She pushed the blurry picture in front of him.
"Yes. And I know exactly where you can find him." Knuckles smirked.

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