The Dark Crystal

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Selene got as much sleep as she could that day. At about 2 pm she woke up and in no hurry started preparing for the night of the opening. All she was hoping for was for people to show up. With all that was happening she didn't even have time to put up posters or spread the word for the opening so the only indication about it would be the sign she'd put out later.

"Mom!" She called out after finishing her morning routine. Her mother decided not to go to work today and help her for the opening.
"I already took all the paintings and left them inside, I also didn't forget to lock the door, as you said." Her mother rushed out her words as she came out of the kitchen.
"Okay. Thanks. By any chance, did you take out the sign?"
'Please say yes, please say yes...' Selene pleaded hopefully.
"Yes actually. I did. You didn't say anything, but I thought you forgot." Selene jumped to hug her mother.
"Oh, thank god, mom. I just remembered about that but you're a life saver." Her mother laughed in return.

The day passed with the two picking what to wear and they finally decided. Selene's mother picked out a dark green, knee-length dress with long sleeves and a deep neckline that fitted her perfectly. Not too tight, not too loose.

Selene chose a black, asymmetrical dress, that came down to her ankle on one side and had mid-thigh slit on the other, fitting her body like a glove. The top part was a simple, sleeveless heart shape. The nights are fairly cold so she also decided to wear a long black coat.

At 5 pm, both of them were all dressed, makeup done simply and while her mother's hair was pulled in a bun on top of her head, Selene's short, brown hair was only lightly curled.

Upon arriving at the gallery Selene put up all her paintings in their assigned places. With her mother, she placed a few tables where the guests could help themselves with a glass of wine.

It took half a hour for the room to start filling up with people. Maybe even too much. Selene didn't expect so many guests but she gladly accepted the congratulations and even some bouquets. She felt beyond happy as she explained the paintings to some curious guests. She noticed Geraldine didn't come though, she wanted the lady to see her paintings.

In the middle if talking she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around she saw West's smiling face.
"Excuse me, I'll be back." She excused herself to the woman she was talking to and joined West a few steps further.
"How do you like it?" She asked while gesturing around with her arms.
"I already knew how much of a talented artist you are, so it's no surprise that everything looks outstanding." He complimented her.
"Thank you." She bashfully smiled.
"I didn't expect this many people though. But I'm glad I got some recognition."
"Word spreads fast around here." Is the only thing West said, but what Selene didn't know was that the crowd here was all thanks to him. With a little bribe for a free drink at the bar he managed to persuade more than enough people. But Selene didn't need to know that, she was happy as it is so West didn't want to make her feel any less. She'd surely think that no one would've come if it wasn't for him. So, he remained quiet about it.

"You look wonderful by the way." Selene wasn't used to many compliments coming her way and she got many of them tonight.
"Thanks...again." She tried not to look down and look at him as she said that but her shy side overpowered.
"I'll leave you to converse with the guests. If you need me I'll go see what your mother's doing." With that he left her, sauntering on his way.

Selene couldn't deny that West was attractive, with his piercing green eyes and glowing smile he could get any girl he wanted, but Selene was interested in a pair of crystal blue eyes rather than green. And now that she got reminded of his rejection suddenly her mood dropped down.
'No Selene, you're not thinking about him now. Accept that he rejected you.
Look at all the other people here just for you and your talents.'
With that thought in mind she went back in the crowd.

Since the event was supposed to be until 12 am, by then everyone was gone. Well, except for her mother and West.
"Need help cleaning?" West offered.
"I think it's doable with just mom's help. You can go home and rest." Selene said as she started putting the glasses in one of the cardboard boxes.
"I'll help anyway. Besides, your mom looks tired over there." He pointed to a corner where Selene's mom was seated and rubbing her forehead.
"I'll come back. Just gotta see if she's okay." Selene handed West the box and approached her mom.
"Mom...go home. You look tired." It was obvious by her posture and half closed eyes.
"Can you finish by yourself?" She asked.
"Yes. West can take you home so you don't walk alone." Selene offered her mother a hand to stand up which she took.
"West!" Selene called. West turned and put down the box.
"Can you take her home?" West accepted with a nod and an "Of course."
"You go home too. I'll be fine." She wouldn't be fine, but she didn't want to bother him anymore.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be back." He threw her a smile and left after her mother.
Selene was now left alone and proceeded to clean up.

After about 10 minutes or so she heard the door open up. She turned around expecting West but almost dropped the glass she was holding when she saw who actually came.

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