The Best Day Of Their Lives

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Four months passed by quicker than anyone anticipated and with them came the day Selene and Daemon were finally moving into their new home. In those months they found an even better place to settle in. It was a nice penthouse in the center of town, just 10 minutes away from the gallery and only half an hour drive away from the police station. The couple fell in love with it the moment they saw it and didn't hesitate in their decision to buy it. With the good pay Daemon got and the money Selene got from selling a few of her paintings it was more than enough to buy it immediately. They were fast in furnishing it and decorating it just like they wanted and as soon as they were done they invited all their close friends and family for a nice dinner. Everyone from Selene's mother and Geraldine who brought Coal with her, saying that from now on he would be their pet, because both of them loved him so much; West, then Froid and his lovely wife along with their little baby daughter named Sally; Quincy and his husband and Rita who came bringing presents for the couple. She winked when she handed the presents to Selene and she had a big guess on what the presents were. They chatted, laughed and spent a wonderful night together and Selene had never felt happier. Well not until something else happened. They were finished with dinner and were gathered in the living room when Daemon stood up with an announcement.
"Thank you all for coming here, it means the world to both me and Selene. I have a few words to say so I'd like for everyone especially Selene to listen." He turned to Selene, who sat and watched intently. "These few months have been the most memorable in my life and I owe that mostly to Selene. Since the moment you appeared you caused me to feel something I've never felt before- love. With your words and your actions I quickly realized that a woman like you is rare to find and you proved that time and time again. Now, after knowing you for 5 months, 6 days and 20 hours I have made the decision that had been at the back of my head since you became my girlfriend," He pulled out a black velvet box and crouched on one knee before her. Gasps filled the room, joyful sobs were heard and Selene's heartbeat was running wild. Her eyes glossed with tears as she smiled and waited for the moment to come. "Selene, the woman I love from the bottom of my heart, the woman I'd give my life for, will you do me the honours of being my wife?" Daemon's voice shook as he also felt the emotions in him come to surface.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes. I do!" He put the beautiful diamond ring on her finger and she jumped in his arms. Everyone in the room applauded and congratulations came from a few of them. Selene felt giddy as she shook from the excitement. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks and when she saw her mother crying too she ran to hug her.
"I'm so happy for you Selene. I'm so so happy." She cried as she held her daughter tightly. After they pulled apart everyone congratulated them and by the time they knew it, it was time for them to leave. They bid their farewells until next time.
"Froid, this is how a true man proposes, you pig." Froid's lovely wife said on their way out and Selene couldn't help but giggle at it.
After closing the door she let out a deep breath and went back to the living room to see Daemon cleaning up all the food and glasses.
"Leave that for tomorrow Daemon." She said as she stood next to him. He put the glass he held down and turned to see her red cheeks and big, happy smile.
"You've never looked more beautiful, do you know that?" He caressed her cheeks lovingly. She reached up to pull him down for a kiss. The first passionate kiss they share as an engaged couple. Selene couldn't have asked for anything better. They pulled apart and Daemon said against her lips, "I love you."
"I love you too, Daemon." She said and kissed him again. This time she put in all she had in the kiss. Their lips moved in harmony as the kiss grew more passionate by the second. They both knew where this night would lead and were anticipating it. Daemon picked her up in his arms as he headed to their bedroom where for the first time they shared such an intimate act of love. Both of them lost in each others caresses of love, kisses filled with passion and touches that sent electricity through their bodies.
It may have been the first time, but certainly not the last, because those two would spend their whole lives loving each other unconditionally, endlessly, truly.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it. ❤

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