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Yes, Selene was happy that she had shared that special loving moment with Daemon. And at the same time she was sad or angry, maybe both, at herself and and at Daemon, she couldn't pinpoint how she felt towards West.

At herself because she let it slip that West was supposed to come and he had to see her with another man. Even though they weren't doing anything unacceptable or unallowed. She didn't owe West anything but she couldn't help but feel bad for him that he had to live by her when she looked at another man. He was just complicating everything more than it should've been. She should think of herself first others second, West didn't understand how much of an effort she was putting into their relationship, she wants them to stay friends but if West continues acting hot and cold, Selene wouldn't be able to take it.

Daemon was a whole other story for itself. Selene was aware that she had feelings for him and she didn't deny them. She didn't want to hide them too and this is where West appeared again. He was still the only problem separating Selene from the thing she wanted. And she wanted Daemon. But, what Selene wasn't aware of was that Daemon couldn't possibly give her the same emotions she could to him, he needed help; help that Selene maybe wasn't capable of giving. So, if Selene wanted to be with Daemon she'd have to give it her all.

"Mom, I'm going to the gallery. I'll be back tonight." Selene shouted already half out of the front door.
"Okay. Be safe." Her mom answered back.
Selene still hadn't completely finished tidying up her gallery and seeing she didn't have anything better to do and she needed to take her mind off of things and her frustration out of her body, cleaning seemed perfect.

When she arrived she got to work mopping the whole room and placing everything back to its place. She was done earlier than she thought so she decided her next destination- Geraldine's. She hasn't seen her in a few days and she missed her and her cute cats running around.

"Miss Geraldine." Selene waved frantically with her arms when she saw the lady getting in her house.
It was a chilly day today and the cats weren't outside so Selene ran straight for the door.
"Oh, Selene. Come, come. I haven't seen you in some time."
They sat in the living room and Geraldine prepared some tea for them too.
"How have you been these days?" Geraldine asked while taking a sip of tea.
"Busy. I moved to a new house with my mother because my parents got divorced," Geraldine gasped. "But it:s okay. All of us are happier this way. Anyway, you know I also had work at the gallery and the opening. All of it was exhausting."
"I apologize for not coming. I wanted to, but it was cold out and late for an old lady like me to walk alone so I stayed home."
"No worries. There were too many people there anyway, it would've been uncomfortable for you." Selene spotted her favourite cat walking by her so she picked Coal up and placed him in her lap.
"Did you like the present Daemon gave you?" Geraldine suddenly asked and made Selene whip her head up.
"H-how did tou know? Did he tell you?"
"Haha, yes. He came early thing morning just to tell me."
"Oh, well...I like it. I love it actually. It was very sweet of him." Selene smiled thinking back on that memory.
"I'm glad. That boy really likes you dear. Be careful not to hurt him." Geraldine had a pleading look on her face.
"He l-likes me?" That was more of a rhetorical question. "Uh, I-I will. I'll be careful." She quickly added.
Even though the signs were obvious it was still bizarre for Selene to hear that he liked her. It made her happy.

After Selene finished her tea it was nearing dark so she left. The only thing she thought on the way was that Daemon liked her.
"Hey! Girl." Selene saw the man shouting at her and since he was far enough, she ran. But she was quickly met with a hand coming straight for her face. And she blacked out.

When she woke up she was in a dark room lighted with only two dangling lights. The blurriness disappeared and she could see she wasn't alone. She was tied to a chair and opposite her sat...
"Selene...I can explain..."
'What's happening? Why is dad here? Where am I?'
"What is this? Where are we?" She tried to move but her hands were tied tightly at the back of the chair.
"Please calm down. I'm sorry. I didn't want to drag you into this, but I had to. It was the only choice they gave me. It was either this or I die." He rushed.
"Dad what are you talking about? Who? Why? What is this?" Panic arose in Selene and her body shook.
"I'm sorry honey. I'm so sorry." He kept repeating.
"What dad?! What are you sorry for?" She cried. At that moment the door was opened and in entered an older man she didn't recognize and two men that seemed oddly familiar.
'Wait...those are...' They were the same men that she saw when she moved to the new house.
"It seems your father values himself more than his daughter." The old man snickered.
"Who...who are you?" Selene's voice trembled.
"You don't remember me Selene?" He faked hurt. "I bought you lots of chocolate when you were little. It's a shame you don't remember." Then it came to her. She did remember him. He was a friend or company partner to her parents, but he came at their house frequently. But she hasn't seen him in years.
"I know who you are. Mr. Lions. Lyle Lions. Right?"
"You do remember." He stood in between Selene and her father.
"What do you want with my father? With me."
"What kind of father doesn't tell his family this? Oh, Todd."
"What? Tell what?"
"Selene, calm down, I'll tell." He shushed her with his hand.
"Your father here owes me. He owes me much more than he makes and he was much overdue his payment. Now he has to pay in other ways. And I made him make a choice: either kill him or use his daughter however..." he stepped closer to her, "I..." He bended at level with her face, "want." he took her face in his hand.

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