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Daemon was still breathing hard when he was back home.

He couldn't believe that for one he went after her to give her bag back and second because he started feeling. The moment he saw the man close to Selene something snapped in him. He wanted to protect her. He needed to. It was still unknown to him why he was like that around her, but he wanted to stop feeling everything altogether.

Thinking about everything, Daemon's breathing became ragged and he was suffocating. He needed another pill. Right now.
He quickly found the little bottle and shakily threw one inside his mouth.
The pill didn't need much time before it affected him.
He didn't feel any calmer, in fact, he felt energised, unstoppable,he could feel his heart beating faster and he needed to let all that out.
With lightning speed he ran back to the dark city streets and went searching for his next victim.
He ran and jumped from building to building until he spotted them.
A young boy was cornered by a man holding a knife against his throat while the woman was searching through the boy's backpack and throwing things in his face while yelling.

Daemon jumped down right behind the woman and in a flash he had her thrown against a wall. His now glowing blue eyes were directed to the man who looked like he saw a ghost in front of him. But a ghost was nothing compared to the beast he stared at.
"Let him go." Daemon growled with a deep voice and it was enough for the man to let go. But Daemon wasn't finished. He grabbed the man by his neck, lifted him off of the ground and with all his force threw him away. A loud thud accompanied by a crack of more than one bone was heard followed by a cry of pain.
"Leave boy." He said to the shaking boy which gladly bolted away after grabbing his things and messily throwing them in his backpack.
"Please don't kill me." The man pleaded while spitting out blood.
That made Daemon more furious than before so rising his right foot he stepped right on top of the man's face with unreal strength breaking his skull and leaving the man dead on the spot.

Turning back to the woman he saw her unconscious and picked up the knife from the ground stabbing her right to the heart.

By now Daemon's hands were dripping with blood and his clothes were stained with it too. He didn't care about it, he only cared about how after this, he somehow felt worse than before.

Now he had guilt eating him from the inside. He thought by killing them and releasing the frustration he would feel better, lighter, but he didn't.
Selene made him softer, he made him feel good things, now he even felt guilty for killing. And he never was that way.
Maybe there was only one way to end this. If it continues like this, he would have no choice but to do it.

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