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Everything seemed easier after the battle. The dead bodies were ready to be buried, the injured were healing, the survivors made sure to rest as much as they could, even though that was only one day. Proper rest would come after the commemoration of the dead. Daemon returned with a few bruises and everyone looked at him in admiration. When Selene saw him she jumped in his arms and cried out tears of happiness because he was alive and well. She was the one that tended at his bruises, she didn't let anyone else touch him. Froid was still shaken from what he experienced but knowing he had Quincy and a few others that got through it just like him, he found closure in it. He was not alone. No one was. Except for Angel, who was confined deep down in a dungeon that was reserved only for the worst, which was her. She cried in pain and agony all night, but help wasn't given for her. She suffered, like she deserved.
Selene's mother and Geraldine found out about it after seeing it on the news but they didn't say anything about Selene being there. Geraldine wasn't worried about Daemon, because she trusted he was strong, he made another good deed and he survived, it was enough for her. West also found out about what had happened but he felt like it'd be rude of him to go to Selene, so he would wait for a good moment to talk to her.

A day after Doomsday was the burial. It was made sure to be a big event where everyone could come. Selene made sure every family of a dead one was personally taken there and she took care of the expenses the families had to pay beforehand. It was both a burial and a congratulating stage for everyone that helped. All the people that wanted to speak up about the resting ones were able to have a say. Families, friends and close ones attended as well as many citizens that felt grateful to the soldiers. Selene's mother, Geraldine and West all showed up together and were given front row seats like all the families and friends of the ones who fought. The mayor gave a speech and thanked everyone. When Froid came up on the stage the applause was bigger than before.
"I would like to thank all my courageous colleagues that died heroically yesterday. If it wasn't for their sacrifices we wouldn't have been triumphant. I also want to thank the strong ones that managed to withstand until the end. We will make sure to make everyone's striving will be known. These medals of bravery are not of enough importance that's why I ask of each and every one of you to treat them with respect, because no one would be alive if it weren't for them. Thank you." Another round of applause erupted and then Daemon's name was called and the crowd roared. Daemon after such a long time, finally felt like a true hero. It didn't matter that he killed before or who he killed before because right now everyone was thankful to him. Selene was standing on the stage in the row sith the doctors and she was crying. She cried since the moment the event started but now she cried because she felt happy for Daemon. She knew how much the applause would mean to him. It'd give him all the confidence he needed to have in order to know he was never a bad person.
Froid was the one that put the medal on Daemon's chest and as he shook his hand he saw how glossy Daemon's eyes looked. Even the strongest of men could be emotional at moments. Daemon tried to hide the tears and fought against them because he wanted to look cool and composed while he gave his speech.
"I've felt like a villain for my whole life, I've been given dirty looks and people have said bad things about me, but that I see so many that thank me for something I've done, for the first time in my life I feel like a good man. Together with all these people that stand behind me and the ones that are not with us anymore, we achieved a glorious thing. It wasn't only a victory for us, but for this city and every other that has felt the same pain caused by the evil ones. From this day on I hope that we will live in a more peaceful environment, where we love and respect each other. Because at the end of the day we have only each other. Thank you." He bows and walks away taking his place next to Froid. The last round of cheering is heard and the event is over.

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