Devil's Lair

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'Of course he didn't come, what was I expecting? He wouldn't just run into my arms and profess his undying love for me. I need to be patient....Wait no, I should be persistent. I'll just go to Mount Fog and not waste anymore time.'
Selene got lost in thought as she paced around her room after returning home.
"Yeah. I'll do that. So what if I die?! Hah." Her words were opposing her actual feelings for the matter. Deep down she was(excuse the French) scared shitless. She knew going there it was either not actually finding him or being killed or raped or held hostage. But there was still that little chance that he would just listen and let her leave. That's all she needed. And that little hope she had left in her was what led her to decide that tomorrow she would finally enter the Devil's lair.

Early morning of due day came and Selene was still afraid but she wouldn't let anything stop her now.
She got dressed, took her gun and two pocket knives for safety and after saying bye to her parents headed out.

She now stood at the very beginning of the trail leading up to Mount Fog.
This is the first time she's came this close to it and her first impression is that it definitely lives up to the name.
She could barely see anything in front of her, the fog blocking her from seeing clearly.
With one last exhale she held her gun in her pocket tightly and moved forward. With every step it seemed like she was getting more and more lost. If it wasn't for the occasional signs pointing to or introducing a factory she would be completely lost.
West didn't point out in which factory he was supposedly hidden so Selene quickly stopped at every one and took a few glances around, trying to see light coming from inside.
The air was terribly polluted here because of said factories so she held her hand against her mouth and moved.

She passed three buildings and at the forth one she barely, but enough, saw a flicker of light. This time she quickened her steps but not making them loud and arrived at the front door. It creaked loudly as she pushed it open and now she was positive he knew someone was here.
The inside of the old denim factory was empty, creepy, slightly dark and eerily silent. She could easily hear her breathing.

She took a couple of steps forward and next thing she knew a hand was clamped on her mouth. Her eyes widened and heart stopped before she realized it was him.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked in his deep and threatening voice.
"I'll let go for you answer, but don't even think of screaming. Or I'll kill you." Even if it was her last option, she wouldn't scream. She knew better.
He dropped his hand but still tightly held her wrist at her back with the other one.
"I-I'm S-selene. I c-came here t-to say thank y-you." Her lips quivered and voice shook. Now she was scared.
"Y-you probably don't r-remember but y-you s-saved me some nights ago."
"So what? I've saved dozens, none of them have dared come here. They know better than to mess with me." His voice echoed in the empty building.
"Now, I'm sorry to say, but I have to kill you." Selene stilled completely.
"No!!! Please don't!" She pleaded, yet still not trying to turn and look at him.
"You know where I live, you can't know that." He brought his hand around her throat and then Selene broke down. She shook uncontrollably, she cried, her sobs also echoing.
"Please, please don't. I didn't want this to happen. Please, please, please..." She let herself be pulled down by gravity, her legs limply hanging while she was held by him.
He stopped, he didn't understand why, he was never this forgiving, he killed in an instant. Maybe it was that she had done nothing wrong, so he used the little empathy he had left in him. He let her go and she dropped down. When he turned her to face him he saw her closed eyes.

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