Another Meeting

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Selene didn't have a very good nights sleep because the sofa wasn't very comfortable, so she felt like her back would snap in half that morning.

"Good morning Selene! Breakfast is ready, come." Geraldine peaked through the kitchen door hearing Selene's groans of pain. Selene slowly and carefully walked and sat down at the kitchen table.
Geraldine joined and they chatted while eating the freshly baked bread with marmalade and tea.
After breakfast Selene had nothing better to do so she decided she'd visit West at the bar. He worked there from dusk till dawn, but it was worth it because his pay was more than enough for himself.

"Hey handsome, can I have your number?" Selene joked when West came in front of her. But immediately regretted it.
"Wait, sorry. I didn't mean it."
"It's okay Selene. Now, wanna drink?" He laughed it off but Selene still felt uneasy.
"Nah. I just came here for some company." Selene shrugged.
"No fun at home huh?" He propped his elbows on the bar.
"Um, about that...I kinda got kicked out, or well...I left." She rubbed the back of her neck and when she looked up she saw West's eyes as wide as saucers.
"What the hell?! What happened? Where are you staying now? Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier Selene? Fuck..." Selene expected him to react like this.
"West, listen. It's okay. We got in a fight because they found out I was hanging around Daemon and dad wanted to ground me or something and I wasn't having it so I left. Now I'm staying at Gerald-, the cat lady's house." Selene wanted to reach over and stop him from pacing but stood still instead.
"You could've stayed at my place." Now he looks sad and betrayed.
'Ugh, damn it' Selene had a feeling he'd react like this.
"I couldn't have West...and you know it." He stopped then.
"Yes, you can. I'm not a teenager that can't control his hormones Selene. I'm completely capable of taking it."
'Oof, I made a big mistake' Selene thought.
"I'm sorry." Selene really did feel bad. Not for him, it wasn't pity, she felt bad that she assumed that of him. And because she didn't even ask him.
"Will you come to stay with me now? I'd like it if you didn't stay at a stranger's house." He asked with a questioning look.
"She isn't a-" Selene sighed. "I will."
"Wait for me, I'll tell the manager that I'm done for today." Selene nodded and went outside to wait for him.

"Let's go." He said when he came back.
"I need to go back to Miss Geraldine's to take my suitcase." West followed Selene to the house.
"Wow, she sure has a lot of cats." West commented as they stepped through the yard.
"Wait here, I'll go get it and talk with Miss Geraldine and I'll come back." West didn't pay attention to Selene anymore as he crouched down and started playing with a couple of cats.

"Miss Geraldine!" Selene called when she got in. The woman wasn't sitting in her chair on the porch.
"In the kitchen." She called.
"Miss Geraldine, thank you for your hospitality but I think one day was enough of my intrusion." Selene explained when Geraldine turned to her.
"Oh, did you fix things at home?" She asked.
"No. But I'll stay at a close friend's house. He found out today and he insisted I go to his place."
"It's alright dear. If you ever need to come back, the door is open." Selene thought of Geraldine as the most wonderful person after this.
"I'll come and visit you like usual." Selene didn't think twice before she hugged the old lady. Geraldine laughed and hugged her back.
"Bye for today." Selene waved and went out. She was met with a sight never seen before.

West was talking with...Daemon?

Rolling her suitcase after her she stopped next to them.
"Uh...hi." She smiled awkwardly. Daemon only looked at her, while West was glaring at him.
"Daemon...this is West. West, Daemon." Selene could feel the awkward air suffocating her.
"Yeah. I know him." West declared.
"Okay. Now, Daemon, I'm sorry, but West and I need to leave." Daemon suddenly switched his gaze from West to her and Selene flinched from the intensity of it.
"You're not staying here?" Daemon asked but surprisingly in a much softer tone.
"No...I-I need to go now." She couldn't possibly tell him she was staying with West.
"You're staying with him, aren't you?" 'He got it pretty fast'
"So what? You have a problem with it?" West dared. He shouldn't start a fight he can't possibly win.
"West..." Selene tried to pull him away so they leave. Daemon just glared but did nothing. Selene took those seconds to pull hard on West's arm.
"Let's go, West." She took one last look at Daemon who's chest was rapidly rising and falling. He looked furious.

"West, what are you thinking? You shouldn't piss him off, he'll beat the shit out of you." Selene pushed at West when they were out of sight.
"He's pissing me off. How can you stand him Selene?! He's a monster." West raised his voice.
"Don't call him that! He's not a monster!" Selene yelled back.
"Selene? Don't tell me you have feelings for him...Do you?" West was bewildered.
"Shut the hell up. You don't have a say in what I feel or don't for someone." Selene picked up the pace and walked before West.
"I can't believe this." West mumbled and followed.

Soon enough they were in front of West's small two story house. He opened the door and Selene rushed inside and up to the empty room in his house. She'd been here before and she knew all the rooms. Downstairs were the living room and kitchen while upstairs were the two small bedrooms and the bathroom. He also had a basement made into a gym.

Selene threw herself on the bed and huffed. She couldn't believe anything. Not Daemon or West.
"Little motherfu-" She stopped herself as she heard a knock on the door.
"Yeah, yeah, come in." West entered not looking angry anymore.
"Sorry isn't enough West. Stop acting like you're my dad! I had enough of one ordering me around, I don't need another!" Even though West wasn't mad anymore Selene was madder.
"Okay, I said I'm sorry Selene. I won't do it anymore. Just stop yelling." He looked like he was about to cry.
" I'm sorry too. I won't yell." Now Selene felt like the bad person.
"'s not your fault. I just...I want things to be like they used to, but I can't. It hurts and I'm trying to get over it. I'm afraid Selene, and they say to face your fear in order to get over it. That's why I need you to stay here. And please don't get mad at me." He really did start crying. Selene didn't know if it was okay to hug him so she tapped his shoulder from a distance. But he pulled her in a hug.
"Don't leave."

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