A Saving

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Selene couldn't sleep that night. It's been years since she last saw him and now he's preoccupied her mind.

She dreamt of him and now she can't stop thinking about him as she ate her breakfast. Her mother and father sat on the table with her but they were too busy talking about their own problems to notice their daughter.

"Mother, father, I'm full, if you excuse me I'll be going in my room now."
"Okay dear." Her mother said and continued to ramble on about finances with her husband.
Selene wasn't in a rush today so she slowly made her way in her room and went straight to her painting corner.
One thing she loved doing was that. She was a talented artist and even had sold more than a few of her paintings. She wasn't very well known but for the people who appreciated art she was one of the favourites.
Her biggest dream since she was a child was to open up her own gallery and that dream was slowly but surely becoming real. She already bought the perfect building situated not far from her home, in a shadowy street known for it's amazing graffiti decorating the walls. It perfectly fitted her style and she didn't hesitate in buying the building. But, because she wasted all her allowance on that, she couldn't afford to pay any more workers to finish the inside so she went there every day and worked on it by her own. By now she's only finished with buying and placing the new door and she was halfway in putting the new floor.
She was planning on going there right after she finishes the painting she had in mind now.

She sat on her stool and got to sketching first then outlining and finally she painted her newest work of art. It took her a few hours but the final result was worth it.

She had painted a dark, shadowy figure standing in the middle of an eery street with light illuminating his figure. The only colour the picture had was the crystal blue eyes that stared right into her.

Satisfied by the outcome she left it to completely dry while she prepared herself and went out to her gallery.
Since she wasted a lot of time painting it was almost dark out now but that didn't stop Selene from making her way to the building.
Everyone knew that at night it was dangerous to roam the streets alone and Selene was very much afraid, that's why she carried a trusty gun under her coat at all times.
Her father took her to shooting lessons since she was young and she could easily handle the gun by now.

She turned on the lights in her gallery to be met with the mess she left the last time. Sighing, she took off her coat and got to work.

By the time it was 9 pm she had finally finished putting the flooring. All she had to do now was paint the walls and finally do the most fun thing - decorating. But she wasn't getting too excited since there was probably a few days until that. The room was big so it would take time to paint it all.

Deciding it was enough for today she tidied up a bit before putting her coat on and leaving the gallery after securely locking it.

The second she turned around she was met with a disgusting looking man smiling at her.
"Good evening pretty lady. Would you like some company?" He slurred his words as he took a step towards her.
Selene was struck by fear but she didn't let it show.
"Get out of my way." She calmly told the man. He took a step closer.
"Playing hard to get. I like it." He showed his disgustingly yellow teeth in a creepy smile.
Selene had enough of him and pushing him harshly aside she bolted towards safety. What she didn't expect was the hand pushing her back into the alley. Panic arose in her when she saw two other equally filthy men on the other side. Now she was surrounded by the street rats.
Seeing no other way of escape she pulled out her gun and pointed it towards the three.
"Feisty. Don't think that thing will stop us." The short bald man commented.
The first man pulled out a pocket knife and the other two followed.
"I'll give you money if you want that." Selene said with a shaky voice.
"Oh baby, we don't want money. We want you." As soon as the three jumped at her she fired the gun into one of them. She hit him in hus lower stomach and he growled in pain.
"You little bitch! Get her!" The other two got closer but she fired again and again multiple times but didn't see where she shot in the darkness.
In one moment she thought it was over for her, but in the next she heard punches being thrown and a slashing of a knife. She heard and finally was able to see a body falling down to the ground.

She looked up to see two crystal blue eyes looking at her. He saved her.
"T-thank you." She didn't understand why but she was still afraid of him. He never left people alive after his killings.
"Go home. And don't stay alone at night." And he was gone. He jumped up the building and disappeared.
Selene let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and didn't waste a second before she ran home.

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