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Selene woke up with a throbbing headache and all she saw was white walls. She was in a hospital. She clearly remembered everything that happened the night before and she needed to see Geraldine.

She failed while trying to sit up because she felt too dizzy.
"Selene." Her mother entered the room in a hurry.
"Oh dear. Thank god you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Aside from every bone in my body hurting everything else is fine." It wasn't though. She needed to get out of here and see where and how Geraldine and Daemon are.
"I heard what happened. That old lady explained everything to the cops. How did you get into this mess honey?" Selene didn't like to see her mother look this worried. Like everything that happened to her wasn't enough now she had to worry about Selene too.
"I don't know mom. I don't know who that woman was or what she wanted from us. I'm just as confused as you are."
"Thankfully you weren't hurt much. But you were in a coma for two days."
"What? Two days? Mom, I need to get out." If she was here two days, then Daemon was alone and hurt for two days too. She had to see him.
"No, Selene, listen to me. I can't let you go anywhere. Not now and not until I feel like it's safe for you to go alone somewhere."
"Mom! You can't do that. At least let me go see Geraldine. Is she here?"
"She is. You can go, but with me." Her mother helped her stand up and even though she felt dizzy she pushed it aside and with the last bit if strength she moved. After a few steps she felt better and could walk alone.

Her mother took her to Geraldine's room and waited in front of the room while she got in.
"Miss Geraldine?" Selene called out gently.
"Oh, Selene. You're okay." Geraldine looked fine to Selene except for her bruised hand.
"I'm okay, but what about you? Are you hurt anywhere?"
"Not much. It'll pass in a jiffy." She chuckled.
"What happened after I passed out? Did you tell the police what happened?"
"Yes. They asked me and I told them that I didn't know who that woman was and why she attacked us. I didn't tell them Daemon was with us too. But, I do have a feeling it has something to do with him."
"Yes. I have to go to the factory and ask him. But my mother isn't letting me leave the house."
"Don't worry. He's a strong boy." Geraldine squeezed Selene's hand in reassurance.
"Miss Geraldine, now that you don't have a place to stay at you can come stay with my mother and I."
"I don't want to be a bother dearie."
"You won't. I'm sure mom will agree. You can bring the cats too."
"What's left of them..." She sobbed.
"What do you...did they die in the fire? Oh my god I didn't even think of that...miss Geraldine I'm so sorry." Those little animals were very precious to Geraldine.
"Out of all of them only 4 are alive and found. Coal, Loona, Puff and Finn. The others are either lost or dead. I'm hoping they're lost." A few tears dropped down Geraldine's wrinkly cheeks.
"Are they at a shelter now?" Selene asked and the old woman nodded. "We'll pick them up and you'll come with us at home."
"Thank you Selene. Thank you so much." Geraldine reached out to hug the girl and she gladly hugged her back.

Just outside the room Selene's mother overheard their conversation. She wasn't stupid and connected the dots which led to one person...Daemon. She should've listened to her late husband and kept Selene away from him. He's a danger to her life.
Not seeing any other way to protect her daughter she called the police. She knew Selene would be mad at her, but she only thought of the best for her. And it was best if that man was locked away from her.
"Hello? Yes. I would like to report someone...His name is Daemon..."

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