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"Hey, hey man, chill. I'll give it to you just don't kill me." Daemon didn't waste time and as soon as it got dark he barged into the dealers' house not far from him. He didn't ask for anything, he ordered they give him the strongest drug they had. Considering these dealers were not themselves at the moment and almost all of them were young teenage boys, it was easy for Daemon to scare them into giving him something.
"Here. This is a special little concoction we made." The boy handed him a bag full of little white pills. Daemon opened it right away and popped one in. It took just seconds for him to feel it. At first, he felt like his head was dropped down and his breathing stopped. Just a second after he clenched his hand and all the veins on his arms were popping out. He felt pain in his chest but before he knew it it completely stopped. It felt like he took something else because his eyes glowed again and he felt powerful. It almost had the same effect as his previous pills.

The boys all stared at him until he ran out of the house. He felt all this power in him and had the urge to use it. So he did. With his adrenaline running wild he caused wreckage to every place he stepped on, leaving a mess behind him. Not lucky for him, but to any bad men's luck they were nowhere to be seen that night.

After spending more than a solid hour just wasting all his energy he decided to visit Geraldine and tell her about what had happened to him. The moment he opened the door and yelled her name he stopped and stood still as he saw Selene sitting next to her.
"Daemon. Good timing. Come, sit." He complied and chose to sit next to Selene. Selene stiffened not just because he sat next to her but because she felt cold as he did. He looked like he'd been running and like the coldness of the night was stuck to him.
"You look out of breath dear." Geraldine commented.
"Y-yeah. I ran here." Selene noticed his hands were shaking. His knees too.
"Daemon, would you like some tea to calm you down?" He turned to Selene who unexpectedly put her hand on top of his.
"Sure." He stared at the place she touched him. With a smile Selene stood up and headed into the kitchen.

Unknowing to them, in front of Geraldine's house awaited a blonde woman in seek of vengeance. She was quiet until she knocked down the front door while and took a shot with her gun.

Geraldine and Daemon didn't expect anything and both turned too late to see who came in. The same time the shot was fired a sequence of screams erupted. Daemon was shot in the middle of his chest both with a bullet and a tranquilliser. He didn't feel much pain and tried to throw a punch at the woman. She merely touched him and he was down and almost unconscious.

Selene dropped the tea but didn't run into the living room. She took a peak and saw a tall, blonde woman dressed in all black pointing a gun down at Geraldine while Daemon tried to stumble her way. Selene opened a drawer and pulled out multiple knives, hiding one in her boot and two held in her hands. She heard another shot, and another and before she knew it she ran out and threw one knife blindly. The woman caught the knife in her hand and dropped it down. She pointed the gun at Selene but when she was about to take a shot a miracle happened. Coal, the black cat jumped on top of the woman's head and scratched her multiple times. Selene took the opportunity and got close to the woman to push a knife in her stomach. The woman threw her hand and hit Selene smack in the face then ran out throwing the cat away from her. She didn't end it there though because on the way out she threw a lighter on the porch slowly lighting the house in fire.
Selene saw the flame on the porch and picked up a terrified Geraldine first taking her outside. Cats started running around not knowing where to get out from while Selene went back in for Daemon. By then the room started to fill with smoke and it was harder for Selene to see.
"Daemon!" She slapped him across the face a couple of times until he fluttered his eyes open. She pulled and pulled on his hands so he gets up.
"Please...get up. We need to get out." She said between coughs.
With the last bit if strength Daemon stood up and wobbled outside. They saw Geraldine crying on the ground and heard a siren getting louder. Daemon dropped down unconscious again.
"No. You need to stay alive. Daemon, they'll get you. You need to stay alive and hide." She crouched next to him and pleaded.
Suddenly, like a switch was turned on Daemon opened his eyes wide and glowing blue like never before. He stood up and held a hand on his chest.
"Find me after everything is over." He ran away.

Selene pulled Geraldine away from the yard and just then police cars, an ambulance and firefighters arrived.
It all seemed like it went in slow motion. Doctors spoke words to Selene and she just nodded looking at the burning house. Then, everything went black for her.

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