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"Mother! Father! I'm home!" Selene yelled out when she got in the house but she remembered it was too late for them to be home.

She spent the rest of the afternoon taking a shower and creating a new painting. She felt inspired and spent hours drawing out and painting the new art.

It was another quite dark scene, his silhouette only taking up a corner,  but this time she focused on making the background more eye-catching. She used different shades of black and grey to shade out all the buildings and the fog surrounding them. She used a dark red colour to paint her own silhouette reaching a hand towards his black one but not quite reaching all the way.
She felt satisfied with how it turned out.
'I'll add all of these in my gallery' She thought.

While Selene was busy with relaxing from everything that happened, the other person, the blue eyed beauty to be exact, was busy sorting out his head.
Ever since the brave and foolish girl left his 'home' his head ran with thoughts he never thought he'd think about.
She made him feel something.
Never once in the last 5 years of his life has he felt a positive emotion.
Yes, he saved people, but that never made him feel good, he only thought of them as helpless, stupid, thoughtless, how could they even get themselves in that situation. He helped mainly out of pity.
And when he killed people, he didn't feel good, he did it because he felt angry. He didn't want bad people like them to run around the streets. They didn't deserve to live.
The only person he could stand to be around was the old lady called Geraldine.
And why you ask? Why would that emotionless man really care for a person?
Because that lady was the only one who helped him.
When he was at his lowest point in life he was walking back home and saw a kitten. He kept minding his own but the kitten started meowing and followed him. He felt annoyed and finally tended to the furry animal and in minutes found himself forgetting about his problems. His time with it ended when an old lady was heard calling a name.
"Coal! Come here kitty. Where are you?" Daemon was caught red-handed. He didn't know that he was keeping the kitten from its owner though.
"Oh, I didn't know this was your cat. Here you go." He immediately handed the lady her cat. He expected that yet another person would run away from his scary appearance but he was surprised when she smiled.
"If you like him you can come and see him tomorrow again dear. I live just over there." She pointed to a little pink house with a big yard and what seemed like from his view that was filled with cats.
"D-do you have other cats?" He asked her.
"Yes. It's late now and they need their rest too so come by tomorrow."
He didn't reply anything just looked at her and although not showing the emotions he felt grateful to the lady.
First, for not judging him, then for not yelling for help and running from him and finally for her kindness. He's never once in his life been offered something good.
"I'll be expecting you. And I hope you like brownies." And with a smile she left. Daemon stood in his spot for a few more seconds before he headed back to his so called home.

At that time his 'home' in the factory didn't have anything it had now, it was just an empty room that he was sheltered in. He was lucky that the old denim factory was completely abandoned so he had improvised and made a makeshift bed out of the old scraps of material left there. It was something and it made the sleeping a bit better, if he even slept at night.

He was an insomniac, for him it was sleepless nights one after another.
He barely had energy to keep him up throughout the days. The only thing keeping him going was a special little drug he took regularly. The first time he took it was by accident or so he liked to make himself think although it really wasn't.
He was a broken soul, he didn't see an escape from it all any other way so he took the pills. He knew it would be dangerous, he found the pills when a guy dropped them when running so he took them. He saw the big, red exclamation mark on the bottle and it said take only one, so he did but he didn't know that the pill would only make him live longer, be stronger, grow bigger, think more and act more, it did the opposite of what he wanted. And after the first pill was taken it became an addiction. He needed it every day so he took it. When he ran out he searched and found more. He stole it all, not having any money, he knew it was wrong, he became a bad guy, he was what he hated, yeat he did it again and again because it was the only way he'd survive.

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