Going Back To Our Lives

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Two weeks had passed since the memorial and finally everyone was starting to get back to normal. Many of the injured were healed and ready to get back to work. That included Froid and Quincy. The two hardworking men jumped in on their tasks immediately after they felt better, but now they got a new addition to the team. Daemon. He got started with work as a police officer as soon as everything else was settled. He had been working as one for a week and a half now and the difference could clearly be seen. He was so determined to be the best that he didn't take a break. He worked and worked all day and night and didn't feel exhausted at all. He loved his job and of course he loved the praise that came with it. He was now able to catch bad guys without feeling like a villain. He enjoyed every bit of the process of catching them and he also enjoyed his life after work too. He and Selene have been going strong and their love only grew. Daemon wasn't living in the old factory anymore, that's long forgotten in the past. He stayed at Selene's house with her mother and Geraldine...and her cats of course. It was a little crowded but it would only be like that for a short period because Selene and Daemon decided to buy and apartment of their own after Daemon would earn enough money. They even found a place next to the building where Selene's gallery was. Speaking of her gallery, she had been too caught up with everything else that she left it as it was the last time. By the time she went there it had already been covered with dust and spider webs were appearing in the corners. When she got there she made sure to leave it spotless. As she did. She had a free day and she did all she wanted, which was clean the gallery and finally, after weeks, visit West. She'd totally pushed him away and he hadn't contacted her because he wanted to let her have some space. Now Selene was finally back to living a normal life so she went to his bar.
"Excuse me, can I have a beer?" She smiled at him as his face grew with happiness. He went around the bar and didn't waste a second before he tackled her.
"Oh my fucking god Selene! You're back." he pulled away and held her hands tightly in his. "And you look good as I can see. Are you really good?"
"Yes. Thank god I am. So much happened I'm happy to be left without a scratch. Of course emotionally I wasn't the best the last week but now I'm amazing." She was more than happy to see him again.
"I saw everything on the news...and Selene, I think I have some apologising to do." He let go of her hands and intertwined his fingers in front of him.
"What for?" She asked.
"For thinking so badly of Daemon. I said some things and now I really really regret them. I hope you forgive me for that."
"Of course I forgive you, but I don't think I'm the one you should apologize to. Why don't you come for some tea and you can see him for yourself?"
"That sounds good. Let me just clock out and I'll head back with you." He went running at the back of the bar and after less than a minute he came running back.
"Let's buy some cookies on the way too." Selene grinned as they got on their way.

"West darling, come in. It's good to see you after all this time." Selene's mother warmly welcomed them in.
"Sit down, Daemon will be back any minute now and we can all have dinner. Good that I made a big old chicken today, so there's enough for everyone." She rubbed her hands as she patted away in the kitchen.
As Selene sat on the sofa next to West, Coal the kitten came jumping on her.
"Oh, hey kitty. Missed me?" She rubbed his little head to which he purred.
"A lot of people in here, huh? And cats." West commented as he also took one of the cats, Loona, in his lap.
"The more the merrier." Geraldine chimed in with a laugh.
"Well, Daemon and I found an apartment and we plan on moving out soon." West's eyes widened in surprise.
"That's amazing. I hope I can visit you there and see it." West said as he threw one hand around Selene's shoulders. She giggled and said, "Of course you can. We'll have a welcoming dinner as soon as we settle in." While conversing, Daemon got home. He took off his coat and hearing the laughter from the living room he entered.
"Hello." He made his presence known. West turned around, as he and Selene were sat with their backs to the door and Selene jumped up to greet him.
She gave him a quick hug and said, "West came here for dinner." Daemon wasn't angry that West was there but he wasn't very comfortable with him being there either. West stood up and Selene took that as her cue to leave them to talk. She took Geraldine's hand and pulled her to the kitchen.
"Hey Daemon." West stood in front of Daemon. "I didn't plan on coming here but I had something to say," he breathed in before saying, "I'm sorry I thought you were bad for Selene. I didn't give a chance to get to know you and now that I see how much of a good man you are, I apologize." West couldn't tell anything by Daemon's stoic look. He showed no sign of emotion and West took that as a negative thing. But he was surprised when Daemon said, "It's all good. We won't be best buds but I hope we can become friendly with each other, for Selene's sake."
"I'm glad we settled this. And just FYI I'm over Selene so no need to be suspicious of me or anything." Daemon couldn't help but scoff and roll his eyes.
"Great man. I wasn't even worried about that, I know you're scared I'd beat your ass if you do anything." Daemon tapped West's shoulder as he smiled and passed him heading into the kitchen. West was left dumbfounded. "You're a big man bro, what can I say..." He mumbled and jogged into the kitchen too.
"Dinner is served." Selene announced as they all sat down and enjoyed the meal like the family that they were.

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