All Is Good

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Daemon was oblivious to everything going on outside. All he did the past two days was lay and groan.

After he got home the night of the fire, he didn't know why and how but he didn't feel any pain from the bullet in his chest and he didn't feel light headed from the tranquilliser. The moment he was shot he felt the most pain in his life. He couldn't see what was going on around him and everything was a blur and then, all of a sudden he felt nothing. Like all the pain disappeared and he was back to normal. The bullet was still in his chest, the blood was still dripping down but he felt nothing. When he got home he took off the shirt and pulled out the bullet like it was no big deal. Then, he downed one of his new pills and just a minute after he could vividly see how the bullet wound closed. He thought it was the drug playing with his head but he touched his chest and there wasn't a hole there anymore. He thought he was going crazy, he splashed his body with water to clean the blood and again he didn't see a wound.
He had no idea what was happening to him and he had no one to ask or no one to help him figure it out. He couldn't go and search for Selene, he'd put his and her life in danger by doing so. That woman that attacked them, he didn't know her but she was surely hired by someone to kill him. She almost succeeded if it wasn't for Selene. She saved his life.

The two days passed with him trying to sleep, failing, taking pills, thinking and repeat. It was driving him crazy not knowing what happened to Geraldine and Selene. But he needed to wait, Selene would come. He had to wait. He started sweating so he downed the last three pills all at once.

Outside the factory was surrounded by SWAT teams and policemen. Daemon didn't anticipate any attack so when they bombarded him from all sides he didn't know what to do.
"Stay down. You're surrounded and have no way to escape. Surrender or we'll shoot." One of the men shouted.
'Think of Selene. Do it for her.What would she do if you died too? They won't kill you if you listen to them. Give yourself up.' He dropped to his knees and put his hands behind his head.
"We let you live freely long enough." The man putting on his handcuffs said and accompanied by four other men they dragged him out and into a truck.

"Welcome to you new home Miss Geraldine." Selene's mother smiled happily.
"I can't thank you enough for your kindness." Geraldine said as her eyes wandered around the room.
"Don't mention it. I know you helped Selene when no one did so now we're repaying you."
"Mom, I'll go take a shower." Selene headed to her room. She needed to think and what better place to do it then while taking a shower. Also, she badly needed one.

When she finished she joined Geraldine and her mom for dinner. They had some light-hearted talks but Selene couldn't wait for bed time so she could go visit Daemon. She saw no other possible way to do it. She had to sneak out.

The doorbell was heard and Selene stood up to get it. She opened up to be tackled by none other than West.
"Oh god Selene you have no idea how worried I was. I saw on the news and I wanted to see you but they said no visitors and I waited and now I saw the lights here were on and I ran to see you. How are you? What happened? Are you hurt?" He talked with no end as he inspected her with fear on his face.
"West...I'm fine. Don't panic, please."
"Selene, a house burned down and you were in it. How can you be fine?"
"Come. I'll explain what happened. Just stay calm." She took his hand and dragged him after her into her room.
"Mom, West is here. I'll be in my room." She yelled.
"Okay honey."
She closed the door to her room and sat down to explain what had happened. She told him everything, not leaving anything out. He told him about Daemon being there too.
"You cannot tell anyone this. The police don't know the same story. Okay?"
"I won't. I promise. But, Selene, he's dangerous. That woman was surely after him."
"He isn't dangerous. Everyone else is. He didn't kill anyone good, he killed a bad man that killed my father and tried to kill me. Do you get it? That woman was hired by someone and I'll take a wild guess and say it was some of Lyle's men. If it is, then I'm just as deep in this as him."
"I understand," he sighed, "I'll trust you know what you're doing. But I hope nothing bad happens to you. You were close enough to death two times now."
"I won't die. I'm a strong girl." She chuckled and playfully hit his shoulder.
"I know you are." With the conversation ending it got very awkward very fast.
"Let's go see mom and Geraldine."

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