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"Hey Selene, I've been meaning to ask come you were suddenly so happy today?" Daemon asks as he kicks a little pebble in his way.
"You want the complete and honest answer?" Selene asks in return, although her question was strange for Daemon. Why would she ask that, the truth should be told even if it isn't what he'll expect.
"Of course. Always." She nods and starts,
"Well first of all I'm happy because now I can finally call you mine, you know how I feel and I know how you feel, I finally was able to spend a day forgetting every worry I have, and to spend it with you gave me immense happiness, add my mother forgiving me and seeing her happy and smiling and I can easily call this day the best of my life. But then..." She pauses and takes Daemon's hand in hers. "In a few days we'll live out one of the most dangerous days of our lives and your life and maybe mine will be put in danger. If something happens to either of us, I want this day to be the happiest we've both ever had. Seeing you smile all day like I've never seen you before was enough for me to believe I've succeeded and you are happy." At that moment all Daemon wanted to do was hug, kiss and tell this woman how much he loved her. He had never ever in his life met someone like her. If he was unsure in his feelings before, now there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he truly loved her in every possible way.
He stopped and pulled her to him, hugging her just like he wanted to.
"I love you Selene. So much. You should never think that I would leave you, because I won't. After what you said I will beat every obstacle just so I can come back into your arms like this. I will never ever leave you." Selene felt overwhelmed so she couldn't stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks. "I love you too Daemon."

As they get close to the police station they see commotion at the entrance. After they share a look of both surprise and fear they run up to the door and see cops gathered around someone. That someone is none other than Froid. He looks panicked.
"Daemon! Selene!" He pushes past a few colleagues and grabs Daemon by his forearms.
"Bad. Something bad is happening. I was looking for you but you left your phone here. Come." He pulls Daemon and Selene follows. They enter the meeting room and Quincy and Rita are there too.
"What's going on?" Selene asks as they reach them.
"It's Angel. She's been spotted near Mount Fog. They say she was in her beast form." Froid rushes the words out.
"What was she doing? I thought she's been in hiding for days." Daemon looks back and forth at Froid then Quincy and Rita.
"Yes. Our spies had an eye on her but she attacked them. She found us out and we don't know what she plans on doing on Mount Fog." Froid explains.
"Daemon, was she maybe looking for you?" Selene asks in a shaky voice.
"It's possible. Whatever she's looking for she can't be close to those factories." Daemon shakes his head.
"Why? Isn't it better if she's away from the people?" Rita pipes in.
"It is. But Mount Fog isn't a good place for her. The factories there still have working equipment and machines. There's chemicals in some and if she's smart than she'll take the chance to blow it all up. Just one flicker of fire and those chemicals will go boom. A sequence of explosions will easily reach the town and it'll all be in flames by the time we try and put it out. We need to act now. If we know what's better for us." It all made sense. Daemon was certainly smart for thinking of that so quickly, everyone thought so. Froid knew he had to act now.
"You're right. Quincy call the team and get the weapons ready, Rita prepare yourself and take Selene, Daemon, you and I need to get ready. Doomsday arrived earlier than anticipated."

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