Happy Family

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Selene and West spent the rest of the night in separate rooms. They tried to sit together and talk but somehow they found nothing to talk about. At moments like these West considered really distancing himself from Selene, he saw that it was painfully uncomfortable at times but he couldn't bring himself to say the words. He would rather live a short time in pain rather than without her.

Selene didn't feel much different either. She could feel their friendship was falling apart and they were trying hard to keep it together. But, Selene knew that there would come a time when they would just normally put distance between them and it wouldn't be anything weird. She only hoped it wouldn't be like that because he was the only friend she had.

"Morning West." Selene saw him in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Morning." He said in a little too unhappy voice.
"I won't be having breakfast with you. Don't bother making more. I need to head back to my house to fetch some things. If you need me after, I'll be in my gallery." Seeing he just nodded and didn't turn to her, Selene left.

She didn't have any expectations from him anymore. She knew that the offer he made for her to stay with him was probably off by now but neither she nor he had the guts to tell the other about it. Selene would just sound ungrateful and West like a jerk. So, it was better to suck it up for a few days. They are adults so they should act like ones.
Even though the constant fighting and making up wasn't very adult-like. It was more of the opposite. Fight then hug and pretend like all was good. It was rather fake of them, but both knew it so that somehow made it not...fake?

Selene tried shaking off her thoughts as she prepared herself to confront her parents again.

She opened the door and found her father in the living room. But...not her mother, which was unusual.
"Father." She made her presence known. He took his head out of the newspaper he held in his hands and with a stoic look on his face looked her up and down.
"You look bad. Take a shower then come back." He went back to reading his newspaper. Selene was trying not to be offended by his words but even though it has happened before, she simply couldn't get used to his harsh words. So she completely ignored his statement.
"Don't worry, I'll be out in a minute. Where's mother?"
"She isn't feeling well. She's in the hospital."
'She's wha-'
"And you didn't think it would be good to tell me father?!" Selene exclaimed and took a few steps forward.
"Why should you care? You left us." He stated, now looking up at her again.
"You emotionless...bastard! How can you sit here while she's in the hospital?!" Selene didn't wait for his response because she was out of the house.

She ran like crazy to get to the hospital. Once she asked a few nurses where her mother was she finally arrived.
"Mom?" She called out softly while approaching her mother's sleeping body. She sat down on the chair next to the bed and took her mother's hand.
"I'm sorry mother. This is my fault." She couldn't help but let out a sob. She didn't want to cry but it was inevitable.
"Selene...?" She heard her mother call, her voice barely a whisper.
"Yes. I'm here. How are you mom?" Selene wiped at her tears with her free hand.
"Good. It's okay. I was just tired and stressed. But I'll be okay." Even though it seemed hard to do her mother smiled faintly.
"Oh mom...I'm so sorry. I worried you." The tears fell again.
"No, no dear. It wasn't you. It's just work and your father. It's been a little too much for me."
'Father. That soulless man'
"Mom...what if you got a divorce? We could live together. We won't need to worry about him."
"I've thought about it honey. If I don't see another way out of this worrisome state, I'm sad to say it'll be the only answer." Selene could see that her mother didn't want that.
"He was sitting at home mom. What kind of husband is that? He left you alone here." Selene wiped a few of her tears again.
"If it means you'll be happier, I'll do ot right away Selene. I'll call my lawyer right now and end it. I have a property with my name and I have more than enough money in my bank account, we'll live a new life. But, do you really want it?" Selene didn't have a doubt in her mind.
"Yes. I do want that mom. But, are you sure you're okay with this? He is your husband...I don't want to be the one separating you from him."
"Selene, the only thing I live for is you. If you're in the question then I will do anything to make your life better and you happier. Now, give me my phone."

What The Night HoldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora