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Everything was prepared. Daemon was as ready as ever and with Froid by his side and everyone else in their places soon enough they were looking at Mount Fog from up close. So far, no one could be seen but Daemon made sure to be very careful. He took not one, not two but three pills right before they were on their way. That made all the energy course through him like never before, he felt unbeatable and with his senses on high alert it was easy to hear the movement up in the mountain.
"Good luck." Froid told him right before he walked into the dark and foggy mountain. It sounded like she was far up and he had a good guess where she'd be.

Selene, Rita and the rest of the medical team watched through cameras from afar what was happening. The tension was already high but now it was through the roof. They all sat quietly, their heartbeats could be heard, just waiting for a moment of disaster to happen but not before hoping it wouldn't come.

Together with Froid, Quincy and the team were waiting for more danger and were expectant. The citizens were informed not to leave their homes under any circumstances and there wasn't anyone out on the streets. That way, the figures that slowly approached Froid and Quincy were easily spotted.
"Prepare yourselves." Froid called out for everyone to hear, "Danger is here." he added by mumbling.
There weren't many, only a dozen or so dark figures that came to them, but they all looked like mutants. Everyone in a different shape and form, different colour and size but every one of them stranger and scarier than the other. With their guns lined up and ready for fire after Froid's command of "Fire!" they shot. Bullets flew one after another, hitting every creature multiple times and yet not one of them was down.
"Take out the big guns!" Froid yelled. The big guns were literally, big and heavy rifle guns charged with bullets filled with sedatives. They shot until they ran out and the creatures still haven't gotten to them. It made not only Froid but everyone else question why they were going so slowly, but pushing it aside they focused on getting them killed. One second all the creatures started falling down and the other they charged with full force towards the team. A few were killed but the fight wasn't any easier for the team of brave fighters. Their human forms were much weaker than the creatures' mutated ones and that was a disadvantage. But they fought with all their might to make up for it. Shots, punches, stabbings, bombs and other weapons were thrown at them until only few of the creatures were left but sadly also half of the outstandingly mighty men and women were down too. That was a scene no one should ever witness, blood everywhere, cries of agony and smoke rising up. Froid was one of the last ones left fighting and after a long battle of strength, all the team's efforts and sacrifices were worth it.
"W-we did it." Froid groaned breathlessly while showing a sad smile as he looked at the surviving soldiers.

"Let's get there! Now!" Rita yelled at the doctors as they packed up and drove to the battlefield. They saw all the gore and blood as soon as they got there. They even smelled it in the air.
This was the first time Selene had seen such a scene. She thought her father's death would be the worst thing she'd ever seen but this beat it. She couldn't help but let out tears thinking of how all these people had probably had families, loved ones, friends that cared for them. She would make it her own task to make sure and bring these men and women to be known for their bravery.
"Froid!" She rushed next to him when she saw his bent and bruised form.
"We did it Selene, we did it." He repeated to her. To Selene he looked like he was in a trans, like he couldn't believe all this happened.
"How are you?" She asked him.
"As fine as I can be. And thankful that I ended like this and not like that." He said as he looked at the scene before him. No words were said after that, only the words of the doctors rushing to save as many as they could while praying that Daemon would be as successful as they were.

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