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"Frank, no." I scolded my best friend. 

"Frank, yes." He retaliated, dragging me by the hand.

"Frankie this is a horrible idea." 

"Did you get a vision?" He asked, turning to face me.

"No, but-"

"Then it can't be that bad." He cut me off and proceeded to drag me outside. 

You may be slightly confused at the moment so let me clear a few things up for you. My name is Elle. No, not spell with just the letter "L" regardless of how much it may seem. I get asked that way too much. The guy dragging me against my will? That would be my best friend, and one day the cause of my death, Frank. Frank and I grew up living across the street from each other. As soon as we could talk we were asking to hand out with each other. It's rare to see us apart from each other. Even when we're grounded, we're still allowed to see each other because our parents know that we will go crazy if we can't. Frank has been by my side from age zero all the way up to us being seniors now. 

Oh, and the visions? I'm psychic, I guess. I don't really know how to explain it other then I get dreams and visions of the future, but only about big, important things. It's weird honestly. I never dream. The only dreams I get are psychic ones. They're kinda rare too. Frank is really the only one who knows about them. I trust him. If I told anyone else, they'd either not believe me or they'd put me in a mental institute. And I'm most definitely NOT down for that. They almost always come in dream form. I've only ever had a vision while awake once, maybe twice. The awake ones are the most tragic ones. My sister...

But the 'warnings from the future' as I call them don't always come in dream or vision. Sometimes I'll get a feeling. Like a 'this is gonna turn to shit' kinda feeling. Well, everyone gets those kinda feelings. But mine are different. They can make me physically sick at times. And when Frank said he wanted me to meet some of his new friends who just moved into town, that feeling quickly sprouted.

"Frank where are you even taking me? It's a Tuesday night and I have my first test in AP psychology tomorrow." I whined. I hated being out late on test nights, another thing Frank knows.

"Which you're gonna ace, you know, being psychic and all." Frank stated like it was obvious, "And they told me that they'd be- Elle, you don't look good." Frank stopped walking and walked back over to my side. He pressed the back of his hand against my forehead. "And you're burning up too. You seriously are getting that kind of feeling about this?"

I nodded my head and leaned against Frank. "Frankie I just wanna go home." I pouted. Frank sighed and nodded his head.

"Okay, I'll tell them we'll have to meet another time. They go to our school you know? Maybe I can invite them to sit with us at lunch or something?" Frank said pulling out his phone to presumably text his 'friends'.

"What were their names again?" I asked as we started walking back home. Frank slung his arm around my waist to help stable me. 

"The one I met first is Gerard. He has a younger brother names Mikey, and a friend named Ray."

"How did you meet them?" 

"Through Bob. Bob lived near them back where he used to live." Frank explained. Bob is the third musketeer in our little group. I'm friends with Bob, but no where near as close with him as I am with Frank. We met Bob our sophomore year when he moved into the area. Bob is generally quiet around others and kinda distant, but somehow Frank being the lovable bean he is got him to open up to us. 

"Alright. I'm staying over by the way. All of my shits at your house." 

"Sounds good to me." Frank smiled. A few minutes after we made it back to Frank's. His parents were already asleep seeing as it was 11pm, so we snuck back into his room and shut the door. I shucked off my jacket and made Frank turn away as I changed into a pair of soft shorts. I rolled onto Frank's bed and waited for him. Frank pulled off his shirt and put on a pair of flannel pj bottoms and crawled in. Frank and I have the type of relationship were we find it okay to cuddle and hold hands and all that stuff but not in a 'dating' way. Everyone, even our parents think were together but we just have a platonic friendship. 

I curled into his side as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Are you feeling any better?" Frank asked before turning off the lamp on his bedside table. I nodded my head slightly and shut my eyes.

"Yeah, thanks for trusting me with this." I replied. 

"I always trust you Elle." 

"I know." I whispered. Soon after Frank and I dozed off to sleep. 

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ