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Gerard's POV

The look on her face was priceless! Like holy hell! God I wish I would've done that sooner. Within seconds she bolted out of that door like she'd just seen a monster or something..... oh wait, she did.

"GERARD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" Frank screamed at me. Tiny dude is infuriated.

"Do you want the whole list? Cause that'll take quite some time." I joked around. But clearly Frank wasn't.

"Do you not understand what you just did to her!? You fucking TRAUMATIZED HER! What the actual FUCK did you do to her!?" He continued to scream.

"Just me having a meal." I shrugged innocently.


"Calm the fuck down. She just saw me do it, it's not like I did it in front of her."

"Gerard she get fucking visions. Her visions use all of her senses you fucktard. She could smell and feel and fucking taste it. Oh god poor Elle." Frank lectured me.

"For real? Dude that's fucking awesome. I wish everyone could experience it like that." I laughed. 

"No Gerard! Elle is fucking traumatized because of you! Do you not think!" 

"Sometimes I do. I thought this out. But besides, I did you guys a favor. You should be thanking me." 

"Yeah? And what exactly should we be thanking you for?" Bob chimed in.

"You no longer have to hide it from her. Less stress for you guys. Well, not Frank. Cause Frank isn't a cool vampire like us." 

"You don't think about anyone other than yourself do you?" Frank shook his head. 

"That's not true. Like I said, did you guys a favor. You can thank me later."

"I'm not going to fucking thank you for mentally fucking my best friend." Frank glared at me. "Fix this."

"Scuse me?" I replied crossing my arms.

"Go fucking fix this. Now!" Frank demanded. 

"And how do you expect me to do that Mr. Bossy man?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I don't fucking know, but I'm not fixing your mistakes. Go fucking fix this." He demanded once again. I let out a long-and might I said over exaggerated-sigh. 

"Fiiiiinneeee." I whined. Frank made sure he shoved me on my way out of the Cafeteria. What a fucking princess.


I got to Elle's house after a few minute drive. Since I took the car Mikey, Ray and Bob will have to go home with Frank cause there's no fucking way I'm going back to get them. I went up to her front door and tried opening it. Locked. Not surprised. So next I tried the window. Locked as well. Literally all of them. Fucking paranoid motherfucker.

"Your fault for locking the doors." I said to myself before teleporting into what I hoped to be her bedroom. As soon as I heard her scream I knew I guessed right.

"P-Please don't hurt me, p-please." She begged as she cornered herself. I rolled my eyes, but felt proud that I had scared her shitless.

"Calm the fuck down, I'm not gonna hurt you." I told her. Shes kinda cute when shes terrified if I'm being honest.

Elle's POV

Gerard stared down at me as he spoke. "Calm the fuck down, I'm not gonna hurt you." The smirk he was wearing earlier had faded into an annoyed one. I still didn't speak. I was too frozen in terror. He looked down at me still with impatient eyes.

"Well, are you gonna say something or are you just gonna sit there in the corner?" He asked. I had too many questions racing through my head to speak just one. 

"W-What are you doing here? Why did you d-do that to me? What do y-you w-want from m-me?" I asked, still shaking in my spot on the floor.

"Frank told me to 'fix this'" He said putting air quotes around 'fix this'. I wasn't quite sure what to say to this. When he noticed that I wasn't going to talk anytime soon, he sighed in frustration. Then he did something I wasn't expecting. He held out his hand to me. I think he wanted to help me up but I don't necessarily trust him at the moment. 

"I'm trying to be nice here." Gerard spoke impatiently. Maybe he was trying to be genuine? Shakily, I reached for his hand, the mistake I made earlier. But this time, he pulled me up off the ground. Now we were both standing, my hand still in his grasp. Gerard pulled me over to my bed and patted for me to sit. Still unsure, I took a seat.

"So I imagine you have a lot of questions." Gerard started. I nodded, "So to start, me, Ray, Mikey and yes, Bob to are vampires. Frank? No. He isn't cool enough to be a vampire." Gerard said with a small smirk. I giggled slightly. Gerard noticed and his smirk grew, "I also know you're psychic."

"You do?" I asked shocked. How does he know??

"I know because one, Frank. And two, I can read minds Sugar." He responded. I immediately felt uncomfortable knowing this. I think he could tell because he chuckled. "And to answer you're  next question, no, I'm not going to hurt you. We don't hunt around here."

"O-okay." I replied, momentarily forgetting that he is a literal blood sucking vampire.

"And I guess I'm sorry for scaring you the way I did. I didn't know you could smell and taste and feel it." Gerard apologized halfheartedly.


"I can tell you're still incredibly scared of me." He pointed out. I once again nodded. Gerard sighed. "Let me see your hand."

"No." I said as my eyes went wide. I shook my head violently.

"Elle I 100% promise that I won't do anything bad. If I leave you here like this you might actually go fucking crazy." 

"I don't trust y-you." I replied, becoming more scared at what he'll show me.

"I'll make a deal with you, if I show you something you don't like, I'll leave you alone and never bother you again. And you know how much I'd hate that cause I find amusement in fucking with you." Gerard promised. I glared at him. "Common. Don't be a pussy." I once again glared at him. He then looked at me sincerely, "Elle, I promise I won't do anything to upset you. Just trust me this once." 

The look he was giving me put me at ease. How the fuck does he do that? Gerard could see my shift and reached slowly for my hand. I didn't fight it when he took it in his. 

Gerard's POV

I took her hand and showed her something I knew would put her at ease. Mikey and I discovered an area in the forest nearby where there scene is gorgeous. There's a river that runs through it, with a large tree fallen over top it that you can sit on. There are lilacs growing in the area and the perfect amount of sunlight flows through the trees. As soon as I showed her it, I could feel her hand practically melt into mine. Her body became less tense and so did her mind. I've got to admit, when she has visions her eyes turn almost gray and it's really pretty.

I let go of her hand and placed it in her lap. Her eyes turned more blue as she regained control. She looked up at me in amazement. "Is that place real?" She asked stunned.

"It's actually a few miles away. I'm surprised you've never been." I chuckled. 

"I wanna see it again." Elle's eyes were hopeful. I just shook my head with a slight smile. Before she could say anything else I teleported out of her room and to my car. 

I'd say I fixed her.

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora