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Gerard's POV

I watched as Elle ran down the street, away from me. I knew I shouldn't have told her. I should have just kept quiet and continued to protect her. Now she probably won't even talk to me ever again. Who was I to think that a human could ever love me?

"God, DAMMIT GERARD!" I screamed while kicking over a trash can. I knew I needed to follow her, but should I? She probably wants her space right now. Knowing her she went to the park. Should I tell Frank and send him to get her? No, he'll try to kick my ass. Not like he could anyway. "Fuck it" I whispered under my breath.

I started heading down the side walk to the park, but making sure to keep enough distance that she wouldn't see me. How would I approach her? Should I approach her? Or should I just be creepy and stalk her? Okay, maybe I will go up to her. 

I got the the park a few minutes later and started looking around for her. She wasn't at the picnic tables, or the swing set. She isn't dumb enough to go into the woods without me again. Where the hell is she!?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black cardigan lying on a bench. It looked like the one she was wearing earlier today. I picked it up and took in it's sent. It smelled exactly like her. Next to it was a piece of paper. An eerie feeling grew inside my stomach as I unfolded it. The paper was wrapped around a Polaroid. It was the same Polaroid photo of Elle from a few days ago.




I could feel myself tense up as heat rushed through my body. 

Andy took Elle.

Elle's POV

I slowly regained consciousness and had control over my senses. Taking in my surroundings, I seemed to be in a... basement? What the hell is going on? Where am I? The walls were painted a tan color with cement flooring and an unfinished ceiling. There were red stains on the floor that I was praying was punch. But the metallic sent of the room didn't help.

"Hello?" I called out. No one responded. "Frank, Gerard? If this is some funny prank then I'm going to kill both of you."

I tried getting off of the chair I was sitting on but noticed my hands were tied down. Tight. I struggled for a few seconds before I heard a door open. 

"Ahhh, she's awake." A deep voice taunted. I recognized his voice, but couldn't put my finger on it. Then I remembered what happened before I passed out.

"Why am I here?" I asked the man that I couldn't see. Andy I think his name was? 

"Not even a hello first?" Andy mocked. His footsteps came closer and closer to me before he stopped a few feet behind me.

"Let me go!" I demanded. Andy chuckled.

"Not with that attitude I won't." He was now right behind my chair. He ran his fingers along my neck and picked up a few sections of my hair before letting it drop again. I shivered at his cold hands touching my skin. 

"W-What you want from m-me?" I asked, now terrified of the man behind me. Andy got really close to my head and responded.

"It's not what I want from you, Elliebell. It's what I want from an old friend." He spoke slowly into my ear sending more shivers down my spine. 

"What does it h-have to do with me?" I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping for this all to go away when I opened them again.

"Oh, it has everything to do with you sweetie." Andy stood back up and stood in front of me so I could see him. His eyes were redder than Gerard's and let his fangs hang out. Andy's a vampire.

Is he the one Gerard was warning me about? Dear god he was right. I wish I would've listened to him. I shouldn't have run from him when he was only trying to protect me. Oh, Gerard...

"Now we're getting the idea." Andy grinned. I looked at him confused, "I can read your mind you know, darling. So be careful what you think."

"What do you have against Gerard?" I asked, trying not to show how much hes scaring me. 

"You want the whole story?" He smiled, squatting down in front of me. I'll most likely be here a while, why the fuck not? I nodded my head slightly. "Well, back in the day Gerard and I used to be friends. Good friends actually. We ran the town, and no body was dumb enough to cross our paths. Then Gerard fell in love with a girl named Lyn-z. I had a girlfriend too, she was my mate in fact. Her name? Juliet. The most stunning vampire in the world. But Lyn-z and Juliet hated each other. So much in fact that Juliet had kidnapped Lyn-z and tried to kill her. Now, that didn't fly with Gerard. When Gerard found Lyn-z being held captive by Juliet..... he killed her. Gerard killed my Juliet. And if you think that I won't make him pay for what he did oh missy you are wrong." Andy growled. My fear increased immensely. But who's Lyn-z? I've never heard Gerard talk about her. 

"If Gerard has Lyn-z.... why am I here?" I asked the now pacing Andy. He stopped pacing and turned to look at me.

"Oh sweetheart.... I killed her." He chuckled. My blood ran cold as my heart stopped beating momentarily. He killed Lyn-z? Now he's gonna kill me. He must've read my thoughts because his smirk grew. Oh god o god oh go-

Andy's phone began ringing in the middle of my crisis. He looked at it and chuckled. 

"I was wondering when you'd call."

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