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I've been a vampire for about a week now. Gerard thinks it's time for me to start hunting my own food now, since I'd been just living off of left overs. I'm kind of scared though; having to kill a human being. I had been a human only a week before now, and it still feels wrong to me. But this is my life now, and I have to do this to survive. 

Gee told me to meet him at his house after school. We're currently sitting in last period, which for me is math. I could feel nerves building up inside of me. I'm pretty sure that Frank hunted for the first time a few days ago since he's been awake longer than me. He made it sound so much fun. "The adrenaline is crazy awesome." He told me. I could only roll my eyes. Frank talked about it as if it was some game. I on the other hand, am still dreading the fact that I'm literally about to commit murder. 

The bell rang, causing me to flinch. I'll admit, I've been a bit on edge ever since Gerard brought the idea up. But I'm usually jumpy so what's new? 

The six of us met up at our three cars. Frank has still been driving me to school while Gee, Mikey and Ray drive together. Bob on the other hand has been driving by himself ever since he got a car. 

Gerard was sat on top of his car while the others were leaning against his and Frank's, except Mikey. He was with me. Mikey and I walked  over to the group and stood around. Gee jumped off of his car and pulled me into him for a short but sweet kiss. He then picked me up and sat me where he was just sitting. 

"You ready for your first hunt, Babygirl?" He asked, keeping his hands on my waist. I shook my head with an uneasy face. Gerard seemed sad that I wasn't as enthusiastic as he had hoped. "Why not?"

"Gerard I'm literally going to have to kill someone." I told him. At the mention of the topic, I could feel all of my anxiety build back up.

"It's not as bad as it seems, love." 

"He's right Elle. I was nervous the first time I had to, but once it was over with I thought it was kinda fun." Frank joined in the convo. I shot him a look,

"Frank how the hell can you find amusement in fucking murder?" I whisper yelled at him. I could tell that Gerard was getting slightly aggravated at me.

"If you're so against it then why did you push becoming a vampire so bad?" Gerard asked, leaning away slightly. 

"I was gonna fucking DIE Gerard!" I snapped. It was obvious that no one was expecting me to lash out like that because they all stared at me wide-eyed. Gerard took a deep breath to regain his composure and retried.

"You're right, I'm sorry." He started calmly. "Elle you know that I'd never do anything that would put you in danger, or anything that would make you upset. But this is something that you have to do. You can't live the res of eternity, feeding off of our left-overs. But is this is something that's really bothering you, then we can go into it slower." 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, hopeful for a better option.

"Would you feel better if I killed them first, then you feed from them? That way you don't have to start killing yet." Gee suggested. The idea of drinking from a dead body still scares me, but at least I can avoid killing for a bit longer. Hesitantly, I nodded my head. "Okay, we'll do that then." 


I ended up riding with Gerard back to his place so that we could leave together. He told me that we have to go far away when we hunt so we don't end up killing someone that one of us knows. Also to avoid raising any suspicion. 

"What if I get blood on my clothes?" I asked him, noticing my white sweater. He looked at me for a second, then went digging in his closet. Gerard pulled out a long-sleeved shirt for me to throw on. I got up to go to the bathroom to change, only for him to stop me.

"You can change in here you know." Gerard smirked. I blushed slightly before going to stand back by his bed. I lifted my sweater up, and while it was covering my eyes, Gerard tackled me into the bed and pulled my sweater the rest of the way off. 

"Gee!" I yelled under his body. Gerard smirked at me before kissing me deeply. His lips moved from mine, to my neck within seconds. Gerard was quick to find my sweet spot, causing me to let out a gasp. I could feel him smirk against my skin from my reaction. His cold hands moved up and down my bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in the places his fingers last caressed. I wasn't sure how far he was gonna go, until he began fiddling with my bra clip. As soon as I felt the metal unclip, the door creaked open.

"Are we gonna go or not? I'm hungry." Mikey complained from the door way. Once he saw us, his eyes went wide, "Never mind. Looks like you're already eating." He snickered to himself before walking back out. 

"Yeah, fuck you too Mikey." Gerard called after him, instantly killing the mood the Mikey offset. Gerard sighed before fixing the clip and getting off me. "To be continued." He winked at me. I quickly grabbed the shirt he gave me and threw it on, then followed him into the living room.

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz