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Elle's POV

I was scrolling through Tumblr when Gerard and Mikey literally just poofed into my room. I nearly screamed from being startled. Gerard looked a whole concoction of terrified, pissed beyond belief, and demonic. Once his eyes landed on me everything negative seemed to melt away and pure relief flooded over him.

"You're okay." He breathed. I nodded my head in pure confusion. Within seconds Gerard pulled me off of my bed and into his arms in a tight embrace. I looked at Mikey who seemed relieved as well. He shrugged obviously reading my confusion. So I decided to go ahead and hug him back. As soon as I wrapped my arms around Gerard, the tension in his muscles instantly released. He hugged me for a moment longer then let go. He continued to look down at me with mixed emotions. 

"Gerard what's going on?" I finally asked. 

"It's too much to explain right now Elle. I just needed to make sure you were safe." Gerard replied dismissing my question. 

"I'm gonna go. I'll let you do all the explaining." Mikey said before poofing out of my room. I returned my attention back to Gerard who has anxiety painted all across his face. I raised an eyebrow at him, mentally asking him whats going on. Gerard let out a long sigh, grabbed my hand and led me over to my bed.

"Elle there's.... a few things I need to tell you." Gerard said with a slightly wavering voice. 

"What's going on Gerard?" 

"Let me just start with saying that you know that I'd never do anything to put you in harm's way, and that all I want to do is protect you." Gerard sighed. Protect me from what? "I should have never let you around me." He said barely a mumbled, but I heard him.

"Why do you say that? Gerard what's going on?" I repeated myself. Gerard's eyes dropped, but returned back to me instantly. I could tell that he was struggling to find the right words.

"Elle there are other people....like me.... in this area. Bad people. One in particular. And that man will do anything to make me suffer, including taking things from me that I hold close. And because I was such an idiot thinking I escaped him, I began living without thinking about him. But now hes back, and has found something that I care more about than the entire world. And he wants to take that from me." Gerard explained. He must've though I understood what he was saying, but I didn't. I had no fucking clue what he was referring to. 

"Gerard what are you saying? What is he trying to take from you, and how does it involve me?" I asked the clearly suffering vampire in front of me. Gerard looked at me sympathetically and took my hands into his. I began to understand.

"He's trying to take you from me, Elle." A single tear welled up in his eye as his voice cracked. As confused as I was, I picked up on one thing. Maybe the most important thing Gerard said. Gerard cares about me most in this entire world. He said it himself. 

"Y-you care about me Gerard?" 

Gerard nodded his head slightly, "Elle I've never cared more about a human in my entire life." 

When he said those words I finally took in the entirety of this. Gerard-a vampire- cares for me-a human. The danger in this situation is unreal. There's no way I could ever reciprocate his feelings. It's unreal. It can't be safe. Gerard kills people like me. I need to get out of here. 

I took my hands out of Gerard's and stood up. "Elle, what's wrong?" he asked me, joining my side.

"I...I need to leave. This isn't a good idea." I said backing out of my room. 

"Where are you going? Elle you need to stay with me it isn't safe." Gerard reached out for me but I was already out of my room and running down the steps. He called after me but I didn't respond. After I shut my door I ran to the park. Frank's busy right now and I didn't want to disturb him. I didn't stop running until I made it to the park. I plopped down onto one of the seats and threw my head into my hands. 

Why me of all people? Why did I get sucked into this mess? My life's bad enough as it is. But now I have to worry about a vampire falling for me? Dear fucking-

"Hey, are you okay?" A man asked me, lifting me from my thoughts. I looked up to see a tall, slim man standing in front of me. His hair was jet black, and eyes icy blue. His voice was low and smooth, almost hypnotizing. 

"Sorta?" I replied not even knowing the answer to that question. He raised an eyebrow and sat down next to me.

"What's wrong love?" He asked me in a caring tone. Who is this man and why is he talking to me? "Oh, my apologies for not introducing myself. My names Andy." Andy stuck his hand out for me to shake. Oddly formal but okay. I reached out and shook his hand.

"Elle." I replied.

"Elle." Andy repeated, "What a beautiful name." He lifted my hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. A slight blush dusted my cheeks at the act. Andy smiled, "Now would you tell me what's got you flustered?"

"It's a long story." I replied with a sigh. Andy tilted his head.

"Why don't you come back to my place. You can tell me all about it and I'll provide comfort." He suggested. 

"I don't know about that. You seem sweet and all but we just met." I told him. Andy shifted in somewhat annoyance.

"Come on. I promise I won't... bite." He smirked. I began feeling uneasy remembering what Gerard told me. 'Elle there are other people....like me.... in this area. Bad people.'   

"I-I really should be going." I stood up, only to have Andy grab my arm to halt me. His eyes began growing a shade of red that matched Gerard's from a few days ago. 

"Sleep." Andy instructed. All of a sudden a wave of exhaustion swept over me, leaving my body to collapse to the ground and my vision to go black.

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now