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Mikey eventually came over with something for Gerard. When Mikey handed it to him, Gerard looked at me cautiously. I shrugged.

"You need to eat. You shouldn't be hungry just because it freaks me out." I told him.

"Ha! Told you!" Mikey taunted, plopping onto the couch next to Ray. Gerard rolled his eyes at his brother. 

"Do you want me to go drink this somewhere else?" He asked me. It was cute how he wanted me to feel comfortable.

I shook my head, "No. I'll get used to it." Gerard smiled down at me. 

"If you say so. But if it grosses you out then let me know and I'll leave." He restated. I nodded my head but didn't move from his side. Bob came over a few minutes later so Ray explained to the both of them whats going on with me. I will admit, not having a heart-beat kinda freaked me out. Like I'm alive?? But my heart isn't beating?? What the fuck??

"She should meet Elena." Bob suggested. Mikey and Gee froze and looked at each other. 

"Why didn't we think of that!" Gerard exclaimed, throwing his now empty cup across the room.

"Who's Elena?" I asked, looking up at Gerard. Gerard smiled down at me.

"Elena is Mikey and I's grandmother. She's like you in a way. Elena is a halfie." Gerard began to explain.

"What's a halfie?" I asked confused.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. Half vampire, half human. She doesn't have a heartbeat, doesn't need to breath, doesn't need to sleep, and has a few abilities that vampires do. But she doesn't drink blood. Elena eats like a normal human. She stopped aging at seventy." 

"How does that happen? Did she get bit like I did?" 

"No. Her dad was a vampire, and her mom was human. It's a one in a million chance of a male vampire still being fertile, and my great grandfather was that one. But when she had children, they had no trace of vampire in them." Mikey spoke up. 

"We can go see her now if you want." Gerard offered. I shook my head sleepily.

"Can we go tomorrow? Gee, I'm so beyond exhausted that I barely have the energy to blink." I explained. Gerard smiled at me fondly.

"Of course we can. I'm gonna go ahead and bring you home, alright?" He got up and stretched. I was about to stand up but instead, Gerard picked me up bridal style and carried me outside. I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder. Gerard chuckled while making the door open and setting me in. He walked around and got in on the drivers side. As we started down the road I reached for his hand that was lying on the shifter. He was startled at my touch but immediately took my hand into his. Gee looked over at me with the same fond smile as earlier. 

"Hey Gee?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

"Yeah Elliebell?" He replied, rubbing his thumb over my knuckle. 

"Can I stay with you tonight? In your room?" I leaned over and rested my head on his arm since it's a couple minute drive. Gerard seemed shocked at my request, probably because I freaked out when Gerard first told me how he felt about me. But he gladly approved. 

"Of course you can beautiful." Gerard continued to graze his thump gently over mine. I smiled at the nickname. I then realized that I still have Ray's blanket. 

"Gee? I still have fro-man's blanket." I told him, pulling it back over me. Gerard chuckled.

"It's actually mine. I left it there last time I stayed over there." Gerard answered. I nodded my head. Is that why it smelled so good? "Yes, that's why it smells so good."

"Hey no reading my mind." I said with a yawn at the end. He laughed again. 

"If you don't want me to then I won't." Gerard replied while still keeping his eyes on the road. I smiled as I felt myself slowly drift to sleep.


I felt myself being picked up and carried. I opened my eyes to see Gerard carrying my into his house carefully. He looked down at me apologetically.

"Sorry." He whispered, "I didn't mean to wake you." 

I smiled at his adorableness, "It's okay." I nuzzled back into his chest and threw my arms around his neck. Gerard carried me into his room and set me on his bed. 

"Do you wanna change into something different? You're still in the same clothes from like three days ago." Gerard pointed out. I looked down at my skinny jeans and sweater that probably didn't smell too good. I nodded my head. Gerard went into one of his drawers and pulled out a cotton tee and a pair of sweatpants. "Imma let you change in here, okay? Call me back in when you're done." With that, Gerard stepped out of his room. I undressed and threw on the clothes he gave me. They had his sent on them, but way stronger than the blanket. I called his name to let him know that the could come back in. Gee peaked his head in, then came back in. I wrapped myself up in the blanket again and laid down on his bed. Gerard chuckled and laid down with me.

"I thought vampire don't sleep?" I said as he pulled the duvet over us. 

"They don't. But they cuddle." He smirked as he pulled me into his side. I could feel my lips tug into a smile as I rested my head on his chest. I draped my arms over his body while his were around my waist. 

"I'm sorry for running out when you told me how you felt." I apologized to the relaxed Gerard. I could tell that my comment made him uneasy.

"It's okay Elle. You don't have to accept me if you aren't ready to." Gerard explained, seeming pained. 

"But I do." I objected. Gerard froze and looked down at me.

"Y-you do?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"Gerard, I'm cuddling with you in your bed. Of course I do." I explained as if it was obvious. A wide smile formed across Gerard's face as he held onto me tighter than ever before. 

"I've waited decades for this Elle. You have no idea how happy you make me." He nuzzled into my neck. I stroked his jet black hair.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long." I giggled. I could feel his smile against my neck.

"It was so worth the wait." Gerard chuckled. He let go of me so that I could relax into his arms. Within seconds of laying back down, I could feel myself drift to sleep. But before I was fully asleep, I felt Gerard plant a soft kiss on my forehead. 

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat