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I didn't have to wake up the next morning since I never fell asleep. Lazily (and might I add sleepily) I rolled out of Frank's bed and quickly got dressed. Throwing on a pair of light blue skinnies, my black and white stripped sweater and black combat boots, I looked over at the still sleeping Frank. 

"Frank." I nudged him. "Fraaankiieee." I said again.

"Whaaaatiieee" He groaned. 

"Get up." I poked him, "Please" 

"Fiiinee. Only cause you asked nicely." Frank pulled himself out of his bed and scratched his head. "Sleep any better? Dream it again?" He asked sincerely. I shook my head. "No as in didn't sleep better? Or as in you didn't dream it again?"

"Yes" I replied. 

"That explains why you look like shit." Frank ruffled my hair.

"Fuck you too buddy."


Frank and I pulled into the school, in out usual parking spot, at the same time we do every morning. Except if we're completely hungover. Then we don't get to school until second hour. Oops. 

I noticed the black car parked next to Frank's. Gerard's I believe. Gerard.... 

I unbuckled my seat belt and met Frank on his side of the car. He looked at me nervously after swiftly pocketing his phone. "Everything good?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine." He replied quickly. I squinted at him to see if I had developed mind reading tricks yet.

"Elle you're never gonna develop mind reading tricks if that's what you're trying to do." Frank crossed his arms.

"Not with that attitude I won't." I pouted. Frank playfully rolled his eyes and slung an arm around my shoulder. As soon as we walked into the gate of hell I felt chills run down my spine. Prob just the A.C. right? 

We continued walking to my locker where Frank stopped with me. "You okay?" he asked, "You're paler than usual. Does this have to do with the dream?" 

"I-I.....I don't know. Maybe? I just..... feel weird, ya know?" I rubbed my shoulder, feeling chills once again. Frank noticed and cracked open my locker. He pulled his hoodie off, gave it to me, then put on another one of his stored in my locker. 

"Why didn't you just give me the one in my locker?" I laughed while pulling the hoodie over my sweater. 

Frank shrugged, "The one I was wearing would be warmer since I've been wearing it." Ladies and Gentlemen, the most pure being in the world, Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Jr.

"Thank Frankie." I leaned into his side. 

"Anytime Elliebell." Frank pulled out his phone, checked a text, then put it back in his pocket. "Bob and Ray are gonna walk you to History, okay?" 

Almost as if on cue, Bob and Ray rounded the corner near my locker and stood by my side. I nodded then hugged Frank bye. 

"Still not feeling well?" Bob asked, studying me up and down. I shrugged. Ray looked at me carefully as well, but he knew something was up. I could sense it. 

During history, Bob kept an eye on me. He told me to let him know if I felt like I was gonna be sick. Bob is the closest thing to an older brother I'll ever get. I love our relationship. Unlike Frank and I, we get into sibling-like fights. I can't remember the last time Frank and I got into a fight. Maybe when we were like.... five? No clue man.

After history was over, I made my way over to the science hallway, took my seat in the back of the class and popped in an ear bud. Music is the only thing that I think could possibly keep my sanity at the moment. It was at that moment I realize what the chills were about. Gerard walked into class, keeping his eyes locked on me. He looked.....normal. Nothing like in my dream. Just simple black skinny jeans, a Misfits tee, and....hazel eyes. He sat a few seat diagonal from me. He looked away from me and down at his phone for a few seconds. A smirk appeared on his face as his gaze landed on me once again. The chills ran down my spine once again at his expression. Somethings gonna happen. I know it will.

Gerard's POV

Looking down at my phone, I saw a text from Frank.

Short Shit: Gerard you better not pull any shit with Elle today. Or ever for that fact. We've kept it her not knowing about Bob this whole time. DON'T fuck it up. Especially with how she is. She knows somethings gonna happen. DON'T let anything happen. You got that?

Gerard: Yeah yeah. Whatever you say muffin

With this news, I could only imagine the things I could do to freak her out. Hell, the things I'd kill to do to freak her out. Oh how much fun lunch is gonna be...

Elle's POV

The moment I've been dreading. Lunch. I waited rather impatiently for Frank at my locker. I refused to go anywhere near Gerard without Frank. I don't particularly trust him at the moment, Not with what happened last night. 

"Hey Elle. Feeling any better?" Frank asked hopeful. I shook my head. He seemed disappointed, not at me of course, but at the situation. "I'm sure everything will be fine." He smiled reassuringly.

"Fucking hope so." I replied. Together we walked into the cafeteria and found an empty table. We sat there for a few minutes before Bob, Ray, Mikey and... Gerard arrived. 

"Hey guys." Frank greeted them casually, but I could tell he was nervous as well. Each of them replied with some variation of 'hey'. I didn't say anything, as expected. Gerard of course seemed to notice.

"Not up to talking today sugar?" He asked almost tauntingly. I shrugged. 

"Shes not feeling well." Frank said somewhat sternly. Gerard smirked.

"I see that." He replied. Gerard continued to look at me for a second. His eyes wandered to my tapping fingers. Some sort of idea popped into his head. One that may perhaps last 12 years then rip everyone's fucking heart out. Maybe less intense. Or more, it is Gerard to be fair.

"Let me see your hand. I may have a... trick, to get it to stop shaking." Gerard spoke, looking back up at me mischievously.

"I think she's fine." Frank said, sounding more stern an glaring daggers at Gerard. I looked between the two, then noticed the others looking cautiously between us three.

"I won't hurt her, what do I look like? A monster?" Gerard asked innocently.

"Actually-" Mikey spoke quietly. Gerard nudged him as an indication to be quiet. Whatever Gerard wanted to do seemed like something I'm not gonna enjoy.

"Common doll. Just for a second. Promise I won't hurt ya." Gerard insisted. Something deep down was compelling me to give him my hand. I know that nothing good would come out of it, and there's not a single part of me that wants to, but somethings just... pulling me to reach my hand across the table. Ignoring any ounce of common sense in my body, I reached out and gave Gerard my hand.

"Elle don't." Frank said seconds before Gerard grasped his hand. I gasped at how cold his skin was. I looked up into his eyes to see them the same shade of red as my dream. I tried pulling away but my vision flashed and suddenly I wasn't in the cafeteria anymore. I looked around but couldn't control my movements. It was almost as if I was having a vision, but something felt off. I knew this wasn't my vision, but who else....

My body jerked forward as screams filled my ears. I looked down at my hands to see them clutched onto another person. She looked at me in terror. I pulled her neck up closer to me as my jaw widened and teeth sharpened. I felt them sink into her skin as the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. Her screams died down soon after, and her lifeless body fell to the ground. I turned around and saw my reflection in a store mirror. I wasn't myself. I was Gerard. Gerard's a vampire

I regained my vision and body. Looking around, I noticed that I was back in the cafeteria with Frank and everyone else. Frank was staring down at me visibly concerned. I could feel my whole body shaking. 

"Elle? Can you hear me? What did he do to you?" Frank flooded me with questions. I looked from him over to the smirking Gerard. What did he just do to me? Oh god I don't know if I feel violated or disgusted or horrified or all of the above. 

"I-I need to go." I said in a hurry before running out of the school doors. I could hear Frank and Bob calling after me but I refused to listen. 

Gerard Way is a vampire.

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