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Frank led me out to his car using the back entrance to the school. This is the only way to get out of the school without getting caught. He kept silent until we got back to the car to ensure no one would hear us. Frank's hand stayed intertwined with mine, rubbing soft circles on my shaking skin. We got to his car and he opened the passenger side door for me, and shut it once I was in. Once he got in on his side, he started the car as well as the questions.

"What's going on Elliebell?" Frank asked, replacing his hand on my knee. 

"I-I don't know Frankie. That's the thing, I don't know." I explained. I took my head into my hands and let out an exasperated sigh. Frank briefly looked at me, eyes full of concern, before returning them to the road. "It was him."

"What was who?" 

"The voice. It.... it was Gerard's." I elaborated. Frank was silent a moment, trying to decipher the meaning. 

"Why would Gerard tell you to 'watch it'?" Frank questioned. 

"And why is it making me feel so sick?" I added on. The car resumed it's silence as we pondered the situation. It was quiet up until we pulled into Frank's driveway. He shifted the car to park and looked over me. 

"Wanna try and figure this out with some mint-chip ice cream and Netflix? And by figure it out I mean completely forget about it until you feel better?" Frank suggested. A huge grin spread across my face at my best friend.

"You know me too fucking well, Iero. Sometimes I wonder if it's really you who's psychic." I joke. Frank rolls his eyes and gets out of the car, me following suit. I jumped onto Frankie's back as he walked up to his front porch. Frank readjusted me with a grunt and unlocked the front door. I nuzzled my head into his neck before he threw me onto the couch with a plop. Grabbing the remote, I flicked on the T.V. while Frank went into the kitchen to get the ice cream. We never put it in bowls, we just get two spoons and dig in. 

My short best friend soon arrived in the living room with a tub of mint-chip ice cream and two large spoons. I flicked on our show (F.R.I.E.N.D.S) and grabbed a spoon from him. Pulling a blanket over us, I snuggled into Frank's side and took a scoop of ice-cream. We were not even fifteen minutes into the show before I crashed. 

I look around myself to see that I'm in the woods. The woods? I rarely ever venture into the woods... Hesitantly, I take a few steps forward to make out an familiar landmarks. Though I don't see anyone around, I feel as if I'm being.... followed. I swiftly turn my head and see something blur past me. 

"Frank?" I call out, hoping for a response. "Frank? Where are you?" I would never go into the woods without him, me being the scaredy cat I am. He has to be here somewhere.

I walk a few more paces in front of me only to be knocked to my feet. Something.... or someone, bumped into my shoulder causing me to lose balance and fall onto the forest ground. I flipped onto my back to try and see what hit me. "Frank?!" I called out once more, now desperate for an answer. Fear took over my body as I tried to stand. Once back on my feet, I was shot backwards into what I presumed to be another body. They had their arms wrapped around me to keep me from moving.

"FRANK!" I screamed only to have a hand clasped to my mouth. 

"Hush darling." A low voice cooed in my ear. Shivers shot down my spine. "You'll feeling nothing but a pinch." I tried to break free but a sharp pain shot through my neck causing me to yelp through the hand over my mouth. I screamed his name once more.




"Elle! Wake up!" 

I shot up and sucked in a large breath of air. My heart rate was through the roof as was my breathing. Soon I felt another pair of arms wrap around me which I was soon to break free from. I spun around to see a terrified Frank. I stared at him just as fearful for only a second before collapsing into his arms.

"Elle, love tell me what happened." Frank said desperately. It took a minute for my breathing to calm, then another for me to form words. "What happened in your dream? What do we have to avoid?"

"We.... aren't going into the woods.....anytime soon." I managed to get out in between breaths. 


"I-I was attacked, by I don't know what. Last thing I remember was something sharp feeling going into my neck." 

"Maybe some evil doctor dude?" Frank tried, "OOO! Or a vampire!" 

"Oh shut the fuck up Frank. Now you just sound ridiculous." I shook my head with a giggle. Frank laughed softly, pulling me down to the couch with him. I took one final deep breath before regulating it. I curled back into his side, feeling restless. 

"But seriously, what do you think it was? And why are they after you?" Frank tried again. 

"If I knew Frankie, I'd tell ya." I sighed, picking my spoon back up. "I just want ice cream and Netflix right now."

"Then we will have ice cream and Netflix time." Frank repositioned himself and pulled me closer. I refused to shut my eyes again. Keep them glued to the T.V, Elle. 

"Bob's coming over after school if that's okay." Frank mentioned, "and possibly Ray and them?" 

I looked up at him nervously, "Including Gerard?" 

"Most likely..."

"Alright. I'll give it a go. Maybe it was just stress causing that feeling. Maybe it has nothing to do with him at all." I shrugged.

Or does it have everything to do with him?

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now