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It's been five days since the trip to Elena's. I've tried bringing up becoming a vampire to Gerard on several occasions but every time he shuts it down. I can already feel myself becoming more and more tired. With every minute longer I spend not being able to get out of bed, the more scared I get. 

Currently the two of us are sitting in his room watching a movie, but I can barely pay attention. I'm beginning to feel sick already. Does Gerard want me to die? Is that why he refuses to bite me? Maybe he was wrong about me being his mate. Maybe that's why he won't bite me, because he doesn't want to have to deal with me all of eternity. 

All of a sudden, I felt my vision fade and be replaced with a vision,

I felt my knees give out from under me, Gerard by my side. I held onto his arms for dear life, or whats left of it. I barely had enough strength left in me to look up at him. 

"G-Gerard?" I asked him. Gerard's eyes were filled with fear.

"Elle? Elle I'm so sorry. I should've bit you. God I'm so selfish. I'm so sorry Elle." Gerard cried. Tears were falling down his face at lightning speed. I tried reaching up to his face to brush the away, but I couldn't gather the strength.

"Don't...... don't cry." I whispered. Gerard squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. 

"I love you so much Elle. I'm so sorry." Gerard's voice crack every few syllables. I could feel his heartbreak in my bones. Slowly my sight blurred and all I could see was a fuzzy outline of Gerard. 

"G-Ge......Gera-ard?" I tried called out to him. A ringing in my ears grew and grew and grew until everything went silent. My vision was completely black. I could feel myself leaving my body. I was dead.



"Elle!" Gerard shook my shoulders. I shook the vision out of my head and looked him in the eyes, "Elle what happened?" 

"I-I had a vision." I spoke to him. Gerard's eyes went wide as he sat up straight.

"What did you see, Sugar?"

"I....I was dying. Because you... you didn't bite me. I died Gerard." I looked at Gerard desperately. "You really aren't planning on biting me?" 

Gerard shook his head, "No Elle it's not that.... well..... no. I wasn't going to bite you Elle. I've been trying to find another way but I'm not finding any luck."

"So you were just going to let me die!" 

"No that's not it! I just don't want you to have to live like this! But if you're positive that you die because I don't bite you, then I will. We can do it tonight. I just don't want to lose you Elle."

I sighed but nodded my head. "Come here." Gerard held out his arms. I scooted over to him and let him hold me in his arms. "Everything will be okay Elle. I promise." He rubbed my back and let me bury my head into his chest. I let my breathing steady before feeling myself go completely numb in his arms.


"I'm gonna call Frank and Ray and have them come over. Ray will bite Frank, I'll bite you." Gerard told me once I woke back up. I weakly nodded my head. I didn't think that the weakness would come over me so quick and so strong. I thought I'd have a bit longer. 

Gerard and I waited quietly for the other two to arrive. I could feel the tension in the air as the front door opened. Frank and I exchanged nervous glances as they walked in. Frank sat down next to me and held my hand.

"I think it would be best for me to turn Frank at my place. I don't think it's a good idea to one, have two screaming teenagers in one house, and two, to have them hearing each other's screams." Ray suggested. Gerard nodded his head. 

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now