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Frankie's POV

When Elle and I finished up our hunt, we hung back out at my place. After we cleaned up a bit we decided to chill in my room. The longer Gerard is gone, the more I begin to feel anxious. Derek isn't too tough of a guy, but he seems like the crazy type. I know that Gerard can take him, I just don't know what Derek might do to him if he finds the chance. 

Elle seems to be suspicious as well. She doesn't seem to know what's going on exactly, but she knows somethings up. It doesn't help that I'm a little on edge either. Everyone just isn't right today, let's put it at that. 

"So uh... how's being dead been going?" I asked, hanging off my bed slightly. Elle laughed slightly as she thought of an answer.

"Not exactly how I imagined it." She replied.

"What do you mean by that?"

She sighed, "I don't know. I thought that everyday would be some new vampire thing. Like there would always be some sort of vampire drama. I guess I was just basing it off of cliche vampire fics and shit." Elle laughed, "I mean hey, I don't get my period anymore so that's a bug plus." 

"Either that or Gerard got you pregnant." I joked. Elle rolled her eyes at me.

"One, I don't think that's possible, and two we haven't.... well, you know." 

I shot up and looked at her in disbelief, "You haven't?!" 

"No, why?" Elle looked a little confused.

"I just figured that with how close you two are and you know, being his mate and all, that you guys fucked." 

"No Frankie, we haven't fucked yet."

I giggled, "Yet."

"Oh can it Frank." Elle nudged me with her foot, "It is kinda sad to think that I'll never be able to have kids though."

I sighed, "I get it. I'm not sure if any of us can. I mean, we can adopt but that might not be the best idea either."

"Yeah." Elle sighed. We sat quietly for a few seconds before I asked another question that may help out Gerard.

"How have things been with Victoria?" I asked.

"Usual." Elle rolled her eyes.

"Who's the man-whore-of-the-month?" I added a slight chuckle in to lighten the subject.

"Surprisingly, still Derek." 

I had to stop my eyes from going wide. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. He's been staying at our place every night and it's been driving me insane. He's just so..."


"Exactly that." She nodded. I looked over at the clock to notice the time. Seven pm. Still at least five and a half hours I have to distract Elle. Possibly more depending on if Gerard decides to have a little fun with Derek. Knowing him, he most likely will.

With Elle telling me this, I figured it'd be best to let him know that Derek has been staying at Elle's. This might throw a wrench in the plan if Victoria is home.

"Does Vic work tonight?" I asked as I tried to discreetly text Gerard.

"Yeah. She won't be home till the morning again thank god. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering if I had to have you home at a certain time tonight." I lied. Elle seemed hesitant to buy it, but brushed it off anyways. I took the time to finish my text to Gee.

Frank: Derek has been staying at Elle's recently. Vic isn't home tonight. Just thought I'd let you know.


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