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I woke up the next morning to the smell of something that made my mouth water. Pancakes. I noticed the absence of Gerard in his bed. I let me nose lead me out of his room and to the kitchen. In the kitchen was a sight that I never thought I'd see. It was Gerard cooking. 

"Gee? What are you doing?" I asked, using every ounce in my body to not eat the entire stack of pancakes.

"Making breakfast." Gerard said, placing the last pancake on the stack.

"But you can't eat." I replied as I walked over to his side.

"But you do." Gerard wrapped an arm around my side and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"You made breakfast just for me?" I asked with a smile. Gerard nodded. "Aww Gee. You didn't have to." 

"But I wanted to." Gerard smiled with me still in his arms. I went onto my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. I could tell that Gerard was fighting a blush. I've never really seen this side of Gerard before. When I first met him, he seemed like this egotistical asshole that like antagonizing people like me. But that isn't him at all. Gerard may seem like a tough badass, but hes honestly just a muffin. "Go sit down and I'll bring you pancakes. We can talk about plans for today."

"Okay." I smiled and gave him one last full hug before going to sit down. Gee piled up three pancakes onto a plate and pour me a cup of coffee. He brought my breakfast over to me as well as a fork and syrup. "Do you just keep food in your house or something?" I asked, leaning against him.

"No. I called Elena and told her about our plans for today and asked for her pancake recipe. She sent me it, then I went to the store and bought the stuff for it." Gerard explained. 

"Seriously Gee, you really didn't have to do this." I told him, feeling bad that he spent money on food that he can't eat. 

"I like spending money on you. Don't worry about it love." Gerard winked as he took a sip of his coffee. 


Gerard threw my paper plate into the trash and pulled me off of my seat. He took my hand and spun me around, then wrapped me up in between his arms. We swayed back and forth for a minute, enjoying each other's company. It's funny how close we've gotten since the whole Andy incident. That same day I had run out on him for sharing his feelings about me. Now here I am, less than a week later, wrapped in his arms slow dancing to a song that's playing in our heads.

I was snapped out of it when Gerard nuzzled his head into my neck and planted several small kisses. I tilted my head up to look him in the eyes. He moved his head so he could return the gesture. 

"So uh, what are we doing about the clothing situation?" I asked, looking down at Gee's tee-shirt and sweats that are loosely hanging from my frame. Gerard smirked.

"What's wrong with what you're wearing? You look cute." Gerard briefly moved one of his hands to 'boop' my nose, then returned it around my waist. 

"I'm going to meet your grandmother Gerard. I need to look presentable." 

Gerard pouted for a second, but then let me go. He grabbed his car keys since he was already dressed. "Let's go." He said.

"To Elena's?" I asked, motioning to my sweats.

"No dummy, to your place so you can get changed." Gerard reached for my hand to go to the car. I mouthed 'oh' and gave him my hand.


We picked Mikey up from Ray's place. He ended up staying the night there but he still wanted to go see Elena. Mikey insisted that we speed there with me on Gerard's back, but Gerard put his foot down to that. He said that it could make me feel sick since I'm still recovering. Gerard said that it's a little bit of a drive to get there, but that it would be worth it. 

I grew nervous as we got closer and closer. I know this isn't a 'meet the family' kind of thing, but it's still his family. What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't approve of Gerard being with a human? Oh god I'm getting another feeling.

My anxiety grew and grew until it all froze at the feeling of Gerard's hand on mine. I looked over at him to see his eyes locked on my panicking face. "Don't think like that Elle. She will love you. She will approve of you, and I think you're forgetting that she is half human." Gerard answered all of the questions circulating in my head. I gave him a look.

"I thought I said no mind reading."  I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I didn't. Mikey did." Gerard looked back to the road as the red light turned green. I glared at the grinning Mikey seated behind me. 

"Seriously though Elle, Elena is going to love you." Mikey said, positioning himself to lay across the entire second row. 

"You really think so?" I asked him, then looked back over at Gerard. Gee moved his hand to lock with mine.

"I'm one-hundred percent positive."

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now