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Gerard slowly led me into the kitchen. I'm still feeling pretty week at the moment so I had to keep a tight grip on Gerard to keep me from falling. Once we got into the kitchen, Gerard picked me up and sat me on the counter top. He dug around in the fridge for something until he found what he was looking for. Gerard pulled two Styrofoam cups out of the fridge and stabbed a hole into each. He handed me a cup and looked at me expectantly. 

"What?" I asked him, studying the cup. I had a feeling I knew what was in it...

"Drink up love." Gerard took his own straw into his mouth and began drinking out of the cup. The more he drank, the less red his eyes became. He physically began looking replenished as his skin seemed to glow. 

"There's no way I'm drinking this Gerard. Isn't that like, cannibalism?" 

"No its not. You aren't a human anymore, remember? You're a vampire Elle, and vampires drink blood." Gerard walked over to me to we were face to face. An idea seemed to come to mind as he took another sip. As soon as he set the cup down, he brought me into a kiss which I obviously didn't fight. Gerard's tongue prodded into my mouth and traced mine. His kiss was amazing, as was every other time, but for some reason he tasted a million times better. I kicked his tongue out of my mouth and traced his bottom lip with mine, taking in this incredible taste. When the kiss was over, Gerard looked at me with satisfaction. "Wondering why that tasted so great?" He asked, I nodded. "It's in your cup doll." 

I looked down into my cup, then back to his lips. "It tastes that good?" I asked him. 

"You tell me." Gerard lightly pushed my hand that was holding the cup closer to me. I hesitantly brought the straw up to my lips and let the dense liquid flow into my mouth. My eyes went wide at the taste. It was like nothing I've ever had before. There's no way to describe how amazing the taste of blood is when you become a vampire. I really took this shit for granted as a human. "Told you that you'd love it more than you thought." Gerard smirked. Within seconds, I had completely emptied my cup. I could feel myself becoming stronger after consuming it. I still felt a little weak. But to be fair I technically did just die so...

"Does this mean I have powers now?" I looked at Gerard hopefully. Gerard chuckled as he picked me up and perched me on his hip. For once I had to look down at him. 

"I don't trust your strength at the moment Elle. I'm afraid if we test out what you can do, you're body won't be able to take it. Let's rest up for a few days while your body adapts to the change that just happened. I'm just too scared to lose you again." Gerard explained. He did make a good point, but I am a little sad that I can't use any of my new abilities yet. Come to think of it, I am feeling kinda tired. 

"Okay Gee." I smiled down at him before giving him another quick kiss. "What do you want to do now?" 

"I was thinking we could cuddle and watch something together. I miss my Elle time." Gerard carried me into his room and set me on his bed. He grabbed the T.V. remote and turned off the lights. Gerard and I spent the rest of the day watching vampire movies.


AN: Short, I know. But I've got something else in the works for you guys that I hope you will love!

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now