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Bob left later that night to go out with Gee and them. He offered to take me with him but I decided to have a chill night. 

The next morning I followed my usual routine. Get up, get dressed, get Frank. I left my house feeling pretty okay seeing that it's a Friday. As soon as I got over to Frank's he walked out of the house, backpack and keys in hand. 

"I hope you didn't eat anything today." Frank smiled. 

"Odd wish, but it's true." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Good, cause were meeting the others at the Double D." The double d is what Frank calls Dunkin Donuts. 

"And my good feeling just became great." I replicated Frank's smile. We hopped into his car and got started towards DD. 

"So, Bob told me you guys had a talk yesterday?" Frank brought up. I nodded.

"Yup. He told me everything. And by everything I mean everything." 

"Elle please don't be mad at me. It was best that you didn't know. You have so much you have to deal with on a regular basis, we didn't want to add anything else to your plate." He explained. I shook my head.

"Frankie it's okay. I'm not mad. Still a little shooketh, but not mad."

"Thank god. I don't know if I could live with my best friend mad at me." He chuckled. A few minutes later, we arrived at DD. I recognized the sleek black car next to us as Gerard's. I guess I just now understood what he meant by 'the others'.

"You ready?" Frank asked. I pulled myself together and nodded. I could tell that Frank sensed my uneasy feeling, but I gave him an 'I'm good' look. Together, we walked into the donut shop. The other four were sitting at at table in the corner. Gerard's eyes fell on me, and an instant smirk rose to his lips. I looked away from him and instead to Bob who was approaching me with a coffee. 

"Don't mind Gerard. He's being, well... Gerard." Bob chuckled while handing me the iced beverage. 

"Thanks Bobby Boy." I gave him a quick hug before taking a sip. Frank and I joined the rest of the guys at the table. I sat in between Ray and Frank, and across from Gerard. 

"Wait, if you guys don't eat, then why are we here?" I asked slightly confused. 

"One word." Ray replied.

"Coffee." Gerard answered before taking a rather large drink from his own cup. I nodded. 

"Also I really wanted donuts." Frank added. "Imma go get some." he got up and went to the order line. 

"Soooo," Ray started, trying to break the uneasy silence.  He could probably tell that it was literally killing me.

"Let's skip today." Gerard suggested. I raised an eyebrow, "What? Don't tell me you're some goody-two-shoes that's never skipped a day in her life." 

"Oh that's not true, Elle has skipped on many occasions." Bob replied with a snort. I rolled my eyes at him.

"This sounds interesting." Gerard leaned forward.

"Let's just say that Elle didn't realize what 'shot' meant in Jello Shots." Bob elaborated. I could feel my face go red. The others busted out laughing.

"Oh hush it was sophomore year." I tucked my legs under me and sipped my coffee. Frank came back to my side and handed me a donut. 

"If this is about the Jello shots I think I'll pee myself." Frank said through a mouthful. I rolled my eyes, wishing we'd switch topics. 

"So, anyone down to skip?" Ray thankfully changed topics. Mikey and Bob shrugged. Gee nodded his head enthusiastically while Frank looked down at me. 

"Do you wanna?" Frank asked me. 

I shrugged, "What would we do if we did?" I directed more towards the rest of the group.

"Well you wouldn't necessarily enjoy our activities, so you and Frank could prob go somewhere else and fuck each other's brains out." Gerard shrugged.

"How many fucking times do we have to tell you motherfuckers?" I shook my head exasperated. 

"Ooo she's feisty." Gerard winked. 

"Elle and I are just friends. Nothing more and nothing less." Frank finished. I nodded to second it. 

"Whatever you two say." Bob shook his head in doubt. "So are you two down?"

I looked over to Frank. "Yeah I guess." 

"Siiick. Let's go then." Gerard shot up from his seat and stretched his back. When he lifted his arms above his head his black cotton tee lifted up and showed the bottom half of his stomach. He wasn't exactly muscular but he was slightly toned. It took me a second before I looked away. He must have seen me looking because he shot me a smirk before adjusting his shirt. The six of us walked out of the DD, but when Gerard walked past me he whispered into my ear, "Don't be afraid to look sugar. I won't bite." followed with a wink. I felt slightly tingly as he continued to brush past me.

I followed Frank to his car while the others piled into Gerard's. Frank followed Gerard out and down the road. Where we were going, I have not a clue.

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