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Gerard pulled the car into park. I could feel my anxiety start to spike again. I know he said not to worry, but I am. It's just how I am; I worry over nothing.

"You ready?" Gerard said while looking me in the eyes. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Like I said Elle, you'll be okay. Elena will adore you."

"Alright." I smiled. Gerard flashed a quick smile before speeding over to my side and opening the door for me. He took my hand in mine and walked me up to the front door. Mikey was right behind us. Gerard knocked on the door three times and waited for Elena. I could hear shuffling behind the door. 'Shit.' I thought to myself 'What the fuck do I call her?' I knew that Gee had read my mind because he looked over at me and playfully rolled his eyes. I not-so-playfully punched him in the arm. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest to noogie me. 

"Gee!" I squirmed under his arm. Gerard chuckled but kept up his act. I wrapped my arms around his torso and began tickling him. 

"Haha! Hey stOp thAt!" Gerard laughed, maneuvering around my tickles. Gerard and I were too busy goofing off to notice Elena standing in front of us.

"Kick his ass Elle!" Elena chanted. That's when I realized that she was present. I quickly let go of him and stood straight up. I could feel my cheeks heat up, but Gerard just laughed. "I said kick his ass, not stand there and blush." She joked. Wow she's really chill.

"She can only dream of touching this ass." Gerard smirked, looking over at me. I began blushing even harder.

"Oh stop it Gerard. I want to meet Elle, not watch her turn into a tomato." Elena said reaching out to hug me. I accepted and wrapped my arms back around her, "It's so nice to finally meet you Elle."

"It's nice to meet you too....uh..." I trailed off not knowing what to call her.

"Call me Elena dear." She said as she let go of me. 

"Nice to meet you too Elena." I finished. She smiled, then hugged Gerard, then Mikey.

"Come in, come in." Elena opened the door wider and lead us inside. I latched my hand back around Gerard's as we followed Elena in. Her house was beautiful; white walls with dark oak flooring and black furniture. Her kitchen was all black and white as was the living room. The living room had a giant window that overlooked the trees. The house had a very classical look, but was still homey and grandma-ish. And the location was amazing. Her house was located in the middle of the woods. 

We took a seat in the living room, Elena on the end of the couch, Gerard next to her, me next to Gerard, and Mikey in the recliner. On the coffee table were four mugs of a dark substance, coffee; hot chocolate maybe? Elena must've caught my glance because she spoke up.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I went with one of Gerard's favorite. Coffee." Elena said, picking up a mug from the table.

"I love coffee. Thank you." I told her as I picked up a mug and took a sip. The warmness of the drink helped ease me. Gerard and Mikey drank half their mugs in one go. Geesus Christ. 

"So, I know why you wanted me to see her, but I want to know about her. She is my grandson's mate after all." Elena smiled. Hearing her say that made me shiver slightly. I really do like Gerard and all, but it's still a lot to take in. Gerard felt my shiver and looked over at me with almost sad eyes. 

"Do you still not want to be my mate?" Gerard said, squeezing my hand. Seeing him look this sad made my heart break and a lump rise in my throat. I shook my head,

"No Gee that's not why I shivered. It's just still a lot to take in. Hell I didn't know you were a vampire until a week or two ago. I really really like you Gerard, you don't have to worry about that. We talked about this, remember?" I whispered the last part. I scooted closer to Gerard's body and kind of tucked myself into him. I could feel his tension ease away when I said how much I liked him. "I like you more than I like Chinese food, Gerard."

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt