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Andy picked a blade from his knife and flicked it open. He looked at me with a smirk, then rolled up my sleeve. Terror raced through my body as the blade crept closer and closer to my skin.

"Andy I swear to god if you touch her I will use that blade to slit your fucking throat." Gerard warned and the knife grazed my skin. The coldness made me shiver.

"Touch her? You mean like this?" Andy asked as he pushed the blade into my skin and dragged it up my arm. I let out a scream of pure pain and fear.

"ANDY STOP RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Gerard screamed over mine. Andy chuckled but continued to twist the knife about in my arm. "TORTURE ME INSTEAD PLEASE JUST STOP HURTING HER!"

Andy lifted the knife out of my skin and looked at Gerard with a grin. "Now that's an offer I'll have to accept." I tried speaking against it but Andy slapped me across the face causing me to whimper. "Stand up." He directed Gerard. Gerard tentatively stood up and faced Andy. Andy stood there for a second before delivering a blow to Gerard's gut, making him double over in pain. While Gerard was down, he kicked him over, and over, and over again. He wasn't panting since he doesn't need oxygen, but he was still having a hard time recovering from the pain.

"Come on! Get up! Would you rather me hurt her?" Andy taunted Gerard while kicking him once again. After a few seconds, Gerard slowly stood back up and faced Andy once again. "I knew you would." He picked up Gerard and threw him into the wall. Gerard's face expressed how much pain he was in, and I couldn't bare it. 

"Stop! P-Please stop hurting him!" I cried out. Andy didn't look my way, but kept throwing punches at the defenseless Gerard. "Andy please!" I cried again. He stopped and turned to look at me. I was sobbing at this point from the pain in my arm as well as from seeing Gerard take the pain for me. Andy walked over to me and pulled the knife back out. I began feeling fear once again, but instead of using the knife on me, Andy cut the rope around my wrists and feet. 

"I'll be back soon." He said, leaving me and Gerard down stairs. I could hear to door lock on his way out. I rushed over to Gerard's side and collapsed beside him. He could barely move he was in so much pain. 

"Gerard? Gee can you hear me?" I asked, sobbing while holding him in my arms. 

"I'll be okay Elle. Don't worry about me." He coughed. Gerard sat up right and propped himself up against the wall. Gerard cupped my face and wiped my eyes. He seemed to be getting better by the second. After a few more, he seemed almost 100% fine again. "I told you I'd be okay." He smirked. Instead of asking him about it, I curled into his side and cried into his chest. "Shh Elle don't cry. We're gonna get out of here, trust me. But I need you to do something for me. Are you listening?" 

I nodded my head and lifted it to look Gerard in the eyes. Using the hand that wasn't wrapped around me, Gerard wiped my tears away once again. "Elle, I need you to reach into my back pocket. There's a lock pick. Get it out for me and work on the chains. Be quick." Gerard instructed. I nodded as he stood up so I could reach it. I cheeks burned red as I reached into his back pocket to grab the tool. Once I had it I started undoing the first one. It took me a second to figure out how it worked, but once I got it undone Gerard grabbed it from my hand and did the other himself. Once his hands were free he instantly wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could. 

"I know you don't want to hear this Elle, but I love you so much. I promise I won't let him hurt you anymore. Never again." Gerard said letting go of me. He grabbed my cut up arm which made me flinch. He wrapped his hand around the wound causing me to almost scream, but he clamped my mouth shut with his other one. A few seconds of agonizing pain later, he let go of my arm which was now completely healed. I looked at him like he was crazy, but he just smirked. I wrapped my arms back around his torso and buried my head into his chest. Gerard hugged me back but only for a second.

"He's coming back. Quick, help me put these back around my wrist so he doesn't know I got out. Roll your sleeve back down." Gerard said, getting back down on the ground. I did as told and put the cuffs back around his wrists, but didn't lock them. Gerard pretended to look like he was still in pain, and I laid on his chest, pretending to hold him in my arms. 

Andy walked down the steps and chuckled at us, "Pathetic." He said, walking over to us. Andy yanked me off of Gerard and stood me up. 

"Elle," Gerard groaned as if he was still in pain. He moved his wrist but not enough to make the shackle come off. 

"While you recover, I think it's time I pay more attention to Elle he-" Andy was cut off at the sound of the front door being kicked down. Wide eyed, he shot a warning glance at Gerard, who seemed just as confused. A few silent seconds later, the basement door was knocked down and three men stormed downstairs. 

"You let them go right fucking now Andy!" Ray shouted as he approached us. Andy dropped his knife, but stood behind me and exposed my neck. Gerard shot up from his spot on the ground and was about to deck Andy before he screamed.

"STOP RIGHT FUCKING THERE OR I BITE HER. I'M NOT FUCKING JOKING GERARD!" Andy lowered his head closer to my neck. Gerard and the others looked terrified at Andy.

"Andy, there's no need for that." Gerard warned, "Just let her go and they'll leave." 

"Why should I Gerard? You killed Juliet." 

"And you killed Lyn-z. We're even." Gerard growled. Andy shook his head.

"I don't get even. I win." Andy said right before he sunk his teeth into my neck. I screamed out in pain as I felt my knees go weak. I don't know what really happened after that. All I do remember is my body hitting the floor and Gerard running.

Gerard's POV

"I don't get even. I win." Andy snarled. He then sunk his fangs into Elle's neck, making her scream in pain. Andy removed his teeth from her skin after a few seconds, then let her body drop to the floor. I ran after Andy and tackled him to the ground. We wrestled, taking turns knocking each other in the jaw. He stood up off the ground and tried kicking me but I stood up with him and put him in a headlock. Andy struggled but couldn't get lose. With all the strength I had left in my body, I snapped his neck and watched his lifeless body fall to the ground. I stared at his corpse, but then dropped to my knees taking everything in. I just killed my childhood best friend, the same way I did his mate, and my father. 

I was pulled back to reality by Bob screaming for me to get over to him. I had completely forgotten about Elle. I rushed over to her side to see her still screaming in pain and holding her neck. 

"Why haven't you healed her yet!?" I screamed, getting ready to do it myself. But Ray stopped my arm.

"There's venom in there Gerard." Ray shook his head worriedly. I stared at him stunned. 

"Nonononono she has a life to live. I can't let her live like this." I shook my head and pulled her into my lap. 

"Gerard you have to suck the venom out. Or else she will be like us." Mikey said remorsefully. What if I couldn't stop? What if it doesn't work? What if she will be stuck like us forever? "Gerard!" 

"Okay okay." I breathed. I leaned down so I could reach her neck. She was still crying out while tears flooded her shut tight eyes. "I'm so sorry Elle." I whispered before latching my mouth to her neck. I began sucking the venom out of the bite mark in her skin. Her breathing hitched before letting out another cry. I kept going, too scared to stop, but terrified to continue. I couldn't let her end up like me. I just couldn't.

"Gerard that's enough. It's out." Ray shook my shoulder. But my mind wasn't working at the moment. I was too distracted to noticed the lack of venom on her blood. "Gerard stop it you're going to kill her! Gerard!" Ray pulled me off of her, leaving a trail of saliva between my lips and her neck. Elle's screams had died down as she slowly lost consciousness. I picked her back up and held her tight against my chest.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to her, "I'm so sorry Elle."

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