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Gerard and I sat in the kitchen with Mikey, waiting for Elena to bring the results back upstairs. The sound of her footsteps coming up the steps made my nerves spike. She came into the kitchen and took a seat. Elena looked from me, to Gerard, back to me, then back to Gerard.

"So judging by the amount of venom in Elle's blood, I'd say there's enough to keep her alive for another two weeks." 

"Two weeks! That's it!" Gerard exclaimed, "That's barely any time!" 

"I know sweetie, I know. But in about a week, Elle will start feeling weaker and weaker. She'll get sick if you don't do something soon." Elena explained. I looked up at Gerard scared. He didn't necessarily seem scared, but angry.

"There's gotta be something else we can do to save her." Mikey spoke up. Elena shook her head.

"The only way is to bite her."

"I can't do that to her." Gerard's anger faded into sadness. "I've already had to do that to one person I love. Seeing the pain Mikey was in hurt so bad, I can't put Elle through that same pain."

"I can take it." I told him. Gerard looked at me shocked. 

"Elle you have no clue how bad it hurts. I've been through it, Mikey's been through it. It's not fun." Gerard shot me down.

"If it's gonna save my life then I'll do it." 

Gerard sat there quietly thinking for a minute. He kept opening and closing his mouth, having a mental debate on what to say, "I want you to think about it Elle." I nodded my head to show I understood. Gerard sighed, "Thank you for having us Elena, but I think we should get going." 

"Of course Gerard. Come back anytime." She gave both Gerard and Mikey a hug before turning to me, "What ever you chose to do, I hope everything turns out well, Elle." Elena said, pulling me into a hug. 

"Thank you for all the help Elena. I hope to see you soon." 

"I hope as well. Keep my Gerard out of trouble for me dear." 

"I'll do as best as I can." I laughed. With that, we were out the door.


"No, Elle there's no way I'm letting you do that!" Frank exploded. Gerard put his hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off to stop the pacing Frank.

"Frank I have no choice." I shook my head.

"Yeah you do! It's called not turning into a fucking blood-sucker!" 

"Iero." Gerard warned. Frank looked at Gerard for a moment but dismissed it. 

"Elle what about me? Are you just going to leave me in the dust? What about Victoria? I know you don't like her but what will you tell her?" Frank vented. He had a point.

"Frank I don't think you understand that if I don't do this, then I'll be dead in two weeks." 

Frank looked at me hurt. Not that I hurt him, just at the situation. He looked at me for a moment longer, before changing the direction of his glance to Gerard, "You turn her, you turn me too."

"Frank" I tried reasoning.

"No. I'm not letting you do this alone. You go through the pain? You bet your ass I'll do the same. And besides, I don't want you to outlive me. If I can live for eternity with you as my best friend, you know I will." Frank argued. He had his mind made up, and when Frank makes his mind up there's no changing it. 

"Now I have no problem turning Frank." Gerard shrugged. I glared at him.

"Frank are you 100% sure that you want to do this?"

"110% Elle."

I sighed, then walked over to Gerard. "Okay, go ahead and do it."

"Elle I'm not gonna turn you right here, right now." Gerard objected.

"Why not?" 

"Because I don't want you screaming in pain on Frank's kitchen floor." He reasoned. I guess he did have a point there. "Well do it some time this week. We both need to just chill and prepare right now." 

"Okay." I nodded. Frank and I sat back down on the couch and relaxed. God how long it's been since I spent some Frank time. "I've missed you Frankie." 

Frank wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I've missed you too Elliebell. You've been so busy with Gerard recently that I barely get to see you anymore. I almost feel like I'm being replaced."

"Upgrade is a better word." Gerard chuckled. I elbowed him in the gut which he pouted about. What a fucking baby.

"Frankie you know that I could never replace you. I love you too much." I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too Elliebell." Frank tousled my hair around and let go of me. I could tell that Gerard didn't like Frank hugging me like he does, but he can deal with it because Frank has been my best friend since birth. Hell, we're so close that he's becoming a vampire so that we can be friends till the literal end.

Damn, soon I'm going to be a vampire. I'll live forever, I wont need to sleep or breath. Hell, I'm going to have to drink blood. Disgusting. But I'm sure I'll love it as soon as I'm a vampire. My whole life is going to be different. But hey,

At least I won't be dead.

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now