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Gerard's POV

When we got back to my place we put the bodies in the basement. I put my some-what alive on one the couch. She must've passed out during the run back. 

"And she was doing so good." Bob pouted as he sat on the floor. 

"I think once the adrenaline died down, panic replaced it. Poor Girl." Ray said, stroking her hair softly. I sighed and nodded as I picked her up, sat down where she was, then laid her with her head resting in my lap. I used my thumb to stroke her forehead ever so slightly. 

"Mikey go get a cold damp cloth and bring it here." I instructed my younger brother. He nodded and ran into the kitchen. Looking at her pale face, I remembered out little 'argument' from earlier. Someone did things to Elle. I don't know if it was sexual harassment or rape, but either way I'll make sure he pays for what he did.

"Here." Mikey handed me the rag. I took it and placed it on Elle's forehead, hoping it will wake her up sooner. In the meantime I debated on telling Frank or not. I remember her thinking something about how Frank would never let her go home if he knew, so it must have something to do with Victoria, or one of her 'boyfriends'. I should probably let him in since he knows the more about her than anyone on the face of the Earth. 

I tuned into his thoughts and made myself present. 'Frank.' I said. His head shot up, confused. When his eyes landed on me, I tapped my head to indicate what I meant. He nodded and thought.

'What's up Gee?' He replied.

'I need to talk to you in private before Elle wakes up. It's important'

Frank raised an eyebrow at me, then motioned towards the kitchen.

"Gee can you show me what you have to drink?" Frank stood up. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen, "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath before starting since I know he won't take this well, "Frank I need to tell you something, but you can't freak out or tell anyone. Especially Elle. Okay?" I started. Frank looked utterly confused.


"Something happened to Elle that she never told anyone. I only found out because I tapped into her thoughts when she was thinking about it. Now I don't know who did it, or what exactly they did, but someone did something to her. I don't know if it's sexual harassment or rape bu-"

"WHAT!?" Frank exploded. I was quick to clasp a hand over his mouth, only for him to bite it.

"Frank quiet down your voice." I warned.

"Someone touched her?" He growled. I could feel his anger radiating off of him, "Who. Fucking. Touched her?"

"I don't know. She wouldn't tell me. The only clue I got from her was that if you knew, you'd never let her go home. So I was thinking maybe it was a boy friend of Victoria's or..." I trailed off, hoping Frank had any clue of who it could be.

"Derek. I'd bet my life that it was Derek." 

"Who's Derek? And how do you know?" 

"Elle used to always complain about how he freaked her out and how he seemed like a 'total perv'. One day she came over to my place on the verge of tears, but she refused to tell me what had happened. How could I not have seen it? DAMMIT FRANK!" 

"Frank." I walked up closer to him, "I need an address or a phone number or something, anything that can lead me to him."

"Why?" Frank furrowed his eyebrows. I quieted my voice, making myself sound as intimidating as possible.

"Because this douche, touched my princess. Whether he made some sort of comment to her, or full on raped her, I will make him pay. I will track him down, and make him fully aware of who I am, and what I'm going to do to him. Derek, will never see the light of day again." My voice was a full on growl, and I needed to calm myself down but I was too heated. I could tell that just by my tone I had Frank shaking. I was too caught up in the moment to hear the kitchen door open.

"Gerard, Elles awake and wants you." Ray popped his head in the door, but from the angle we were at he couldn't see us. As soon as he spoke of Elle, a switched flipped and I was back to normal Gerard again. I walked away from Frank and out of the kitchen. When I got into the living room, I could see the back of Elle's head rise up. I walked around the couch and squatted in front of her.

"Hey beautiful." I stroked her cheek as her confused icy blue eyes looked into my soft ones. 

"Gee? What happened? Last thing I remember is... oh." She stopped herself as the memories of before she passed out must've circuited through her mind. 

"You remember?" I asked, continuing to draw soft patterns on her pale skin. She nodded as the panic seemed to come back, "Hey hey hey, stay calm okay? I know that this is all still new to you, but it has to happen at some point. And you need to eat, I bet you I could hear your stomach growl from a mile away." I added a soft chuckle at the end, which made her giggle slightly. Oh what I'd do to make her giggle like that more often. Her happiness is such a beautiful sound. "You ready to try and eat?" 

She was hesitant to respond but she nodded and said a quiet 'yeah'. I stood up and extended my hand to her which she quickly accepted. I lead her down the steps into the basement where the bodies were. Luckily they were still relatively fresh. Her hand tensed up at sight of the corpses. "It's okay Elle. They won't bite. But I might." I playfully bit at her which made her giggle once again. God that sound...

All six of us gathered around our meal. I had convinced the others to wait for Elle so that there would be more of us to comfort her into it. I motioned for the others to go ahead and start while I dragged a body away from the pile for Elle and I. She flinched when I picked up one of it's arms, but I held onto one of hers to pull her back. "Bite into his arm. Right here." I patted at the main artery running through his forearm. 

"What if I don't do it right?" Elle said, beginning to stall.

"Just bite into it like you would normal food. Your fangs will do the rest. Just trust me." I reassured her. She still looked hesitant, but moved her mouth to the arm. After a few more seconds, she had her mouth attached to the arm. Her eyes squinted as her fangs punctured the skin. Once blood began flowing into her mouth, her face relaxed as did the rest of her body. I couldn't help but chuckle at her new reaction. I began feeding from a different part of the body, letting her continue to discover her new way of eating. 


"See, I told you that it wouldn't be that bad." I told Elle, who was curled up under my arm. We were sitting on the couch with the others, mindlessly chatting. We disposed of the bodies when we finished eating in the woods outback. Elle was rubbing her hand back and forth on my chest as she laughed lightly to herself.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just need to work on the whole... killing thing." She replied. I nodded my head to agree with her, as did everyone else. My attention got brought to my phone as a text popped up.

Midget Man: Derek Williams is his name. He works at the gas station on the corner of Cemetery and 4th.

I looked up at Frank who was already looking at me. I nodded to him with a stone cold face, which he reciprocated. 

Midget Man: *Image attachment*
Midget Man: This is him

Gerard: Looks like I'm going to get gas tomorrow.

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