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Since the 'incident' at school, Gerard has been around me way more. He'll hang out for a bit everyday after school, walk me to my classes (especially art) and text me to check in with me. Whenever I seem off he asks me about it. I'm not sure why he's been so protective over me, but something about it makes my heart flutter a little.

It's Saturday now and Mikey texted me to tell me hes coming over for a bit. Mikey and I have never really hung out much outside of school or the group. He really is a sweetheart, shy, but a sweetie. 

Mikes: Hey I'm here. Cool if I come in?

Elle: Yeah sure. I'm upstairs.

The sound of my front door opening and closing sounded, followed by footsteps jogging up the steps, then a few quiet knocks on my bedroom door.

"You can come in." I called out to him. Mikey peaked his head in through the threshold then walked the rest of the way in. "Sup dude."

"Hey, whatcha up to?" Mikey asked as he plopped onto my bed. I scooted over to make room for him. 

"Nothing really. Just working on a playlist on my phone." I replied, pocketing the device.

"Cool cool." He nodded. Something about him seemed off. Like more off than usual. 

"Everything alright?" I asked, nudging his kneecap with my toe. 

"I wanted to talk to you about Gee." Mikey said looking me straight in the eyes. I nodded my head to tell him I'm listening, "Gerard's been pretty...off, recently."

"I've noticed." I replied. Mikey looked at me confused.

"What do you notice?" He asked.

"He's been kinda protective over me recently. Almost always around, checking in on me, seeing if I'm okay. Really confusing. Did I unintentionally hint at something to make him this way?"

Mikey was quiet for a moment, debating what to say next. After a few seconds something clicked in his head causing him to go wide-eyed.

Mikey's POV

There's no way. Once Elle told me how Gerard's been acting around her, it all finally made sense. The way he goes out of his way to give Elle dreams because it makes her happy. How hes always protecting her. How he gets all awkward at the mention of her. 

Elle is Gerard's mate.

"I... I have to go. I'm sorry that I was only here for a minute, but I just remembered something really important. I promise I'll make it up to you." I said to Elle, standing up to race out and find Gerard. I heard her voice, but couldn't make out what she was saying because I was in such a rush to leave. 

I dialed Gerard's number and ran back home. 

"What's up Mikes?" My older brother asked in a sleepy tone.

"Gerard if you aren't home, get there now." I replied, rounding the corner to my street.

"Why?" Gerard's voice was more alert, "Does it have to do with Elle? Is she okay?"

"I'll tell you when I get inside." I replied hanging up. A few more meters and I was home. I ran inside and up to Gerard's room. 

Gerard's POV

My younger brother burst into my room increasing my panic. 

"Mikey what the fuck is wrong with Elle? Where is she?" I asked hopping to my feet. 

"Elle's fine Gee. But you're not." Mikey replied shutting my door. What the hell does he mean by that. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Look at you Gerard. You're torn up over her. I get that you want to protect her because of....him.... but seriously Gerard. Constantly checking in on her, rarely leaving her side. And even giving her dreams just to make her happy. Do you even realize what's happening?"

"Mikey if you're trying to say..." I warned. Mikey knows how I feel about the whole 'mate' thing. 

"Gerard, Elle is your ma-"

"NO SHE ISN'T!" I screamed at my brother, shoving him into the door. Once he recovered, he got back to his feet. 

"She is and you know it!" He yelled back, pushing his hair out of his face.


Mikey stood there silently staring at me. I already had a mate, and I lost her. 

"Think about it Gerard. He took her from you. And now who's he after?" Mikey started. I was about to respond but he kept going, "Lyn-z wasn't your mate Gerard. She left you for him, and you know where that got her? Killed, Gerard. You love Elle. You've been protecting her because deep down you know that she's your mate and because you're afraid of him taking her like he did Lyn-z."

Now I was quiet. He was right, I knew he was. But I just couldn't admit it to myself. The fact that he is after her is why I don't want to believe it. I'm too scared to lose her. 

A few seconds after my silence, I received a text.

Hope you don't mind if I steal her for a bit.

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now