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Elle's POV

When I woke up, I literally couldn't see anything. The whole room was pitch black, but I could feel something-or someone-next to me. I tried moving but my body was so weak that I couldn't. Did I die? I tried talking but my throat was too dry to make anything but a squeak. It must've been enough to alert the other person because I felt their weight shift.

"Elle? Elle can you hear me? Oh God please wake up Elle. Please." A familiar voice pleaded. Gerard? That sounded like him. Why was he crying?

"G.........Ge-......Ge-e?" My voice barely above a whisper called out. I felt the weight be removed from the bed, then followed by the lights being turned on. It was too bright for my eyes to handle at once so I forced them shut. Slowly, I was able to squint them more and more open. 

"Elle? Talk to me baby. Please." Gerard grabbed onto my hand and rested his head on my forearm. 

"G-Gee." I tried again, a little more successful this time. I could feel the wetness of his tears on my arm. I was able to muster up enough strength to wiggle my fingers around in his hand to try to communicate with him. His head shot up and looked at me. My eyes were slowly focusing on his tear stained face.

"Oh my god you're alive....ish." Gerard gasped. Next thing I knew, my body was being pulled from the bed and into his chest. My entire body was in pain, but I didn't have enough energy to stop him. I just let him hold me in his arms. I heard the door open followed by several footsteps, gasps, and variations of what Gerard has been saying. 

"Water." I whispered to Gerard. He looked at me confused. I coughed to try and get my point across.

"Someone go get her water!" Gee yelled over his shoulder. I laid my head down onto his shoulder. I was still so confused by everything and I've only been awake for a minute. Was I dead? Did they think I was dead? Wait, am I a vampire now!?

Soon I was handed a glass of water. Well, I wasn't handed it. I could barely fucking move. Instead Gerard held it up to my lips and poured some into my mouth. I probably drank the entire glass in one go. Gerard set the glass down and chuckled. 

"Thirst?" He asked in which I nodded my head dramatically. Gerard kept me seated in his lap while he rubbed my back and arms. I was feeling a bit stronger, but I decided to remain curled up where I was. 

"What happened?" I asked, moving my head up slightly to look at him. Gerard sighed and squeezed his eyes shut before responding. 

"We thought you didn't make it." Gerard shook his head. I looked at him confused, wanting him to elaborate why they thought such a thing, "Elle, you were asleep for four days consecutively. The usual time someone's unconscious after being bitten is a little less than a day. You were so weak to begin with, we were afraid that your body didn't have enough energy to complete the transformation. We figured that your body just, gave up. I was so scared that I had lost you Elle." Several more streams of tears flowed down his pale face, re-wetting the old streaks. I lifted my hand to wipe them away, then rested it on his cheek. Gerard leaned into my touch and kept his eyes shut, remembering the feeling of my skin on his. "I missed you so fucking much Elle. So fucking much." 

"I-I'm here now Gee. It's okay." I told him, feeling more strength in my voice. I then remembered Frank. "Frank. Where's Frankie?" I dropped my hand to his chest. Withing seconds of my asking, Frank was right by my side. I was taken aback by his appearance at first. His skin many shades lighter than usual, hazel eyes now crimson red. I'm no expert but I know that that means he needs to eat. 

"Hey Elliebell." Frank said with a small smile. Using all the energy that I had in me, I flung my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Startled at first, Frank snaked his arms around my waist to complete the hug.

"You're a vampire." I said in disbelief. 

"So are you hun." Frank chuckled. I froze. How could I forget that!? 

"Oh my god, I'm a vampire. We're vampires. Holy shit dude." I let go of him to look at his face again. His cheeks were definitely thinner. I looked at his red eyes once again. Now that I'm thinking about it, Gerard's were red too. "You boys need to eat." I told them. "When's the last time you ate?"

"I ate yesterday morning." Frank told me. I looked over at Gee. 

"I ate right after I bit you." Gerard looked down. 

"Gee! It's been four days!" I scolded him, but all out of love. He pulled me back into his lap and stroked my hair. 

"I refused to leave your side until you woke up. I made Mikey go out and get the things you would need for when you woke up. I didn't want to to wake up alone and scared." 

"Gee." I consoled him. I brought my hand back up to his face and rubbed back and forth around his cheek. Gerard let his head rest in my hand and enjoyed my touch. For a moment I had completely forgotten about everybody else in the room besides Gee and I. Only a moment though. 

"Well I need to eat." Bob said turning to walk out of the door. Of course Bob was the one to ruin the moment. 

"I'd love to stay, but I've got to agree with Bob on this one. I'm starving." Ray added as Mikey nodded. I looked over at Frank and Gee,

"Go with them." I said, shimmying out of Gerard's grasp in which he only pulled me back down. 

"No way. I need to stay here with you. There are a few pints in the fridge we can drink. Frank, go with them" Gerard instructed. Frank looked hesitant, but I told him that it would be okay. So Frank followed the others out of the room. 

"What did you mean by 'we'?" I asked cautiously. Gerard smirked.

"You've gotta eat too you know?" Gerard stood up, pulling me with him. I shook my head rapidly.

"You're crazy." 

"And you're starving." Gee pointed out. He was right. I can feel the hunger pains eating away at the lining in my stomach. I looked at him nervous. "You'll love it more than you think. I promise."

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now