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A few hours later Bob showed up. With Ray. And Mikey.

And Gerard.

Bob swung the door open in his usual attempts to try and catch Frank and I in the act of something. "Nothing? Again?" Bob sighs frustrated. I shake my head while Frank laughs. 

"Bob how many times do we have to tell you?" 

"I'll never believe you." Bobby Boy glares. The other three look utterly confused. 

"Bob is convinced that Elle and I are together." Frank explains to the trio. Ray raises an eyebrow.

"You guys aren't?" He asks, pointing out our cuddling.

"Nope. Just friends." I add.

"But you're cuddling."

"Were platonic." 

"Bullshit." Bob chimed in. I rolled my eyes at him and put the lid on the ice cream. I got up to go put it away but asked the guys if they wanted anything while I was in there. All of them shook their heads while Frank told me to grab him a soda can. I grabbed one, contemplating shaking it up before giving it to him. Being the good friend I am, I did. I handed it to him and he raised an eyebrow.

"You shook it up." 

"How'd you know?" I pouted.

"I could tell." He smirked.

"I'm telling you, your the psych-" I started, cutting myself off once I realized what was about to come from my mouth. Frank lifted his other eyebrow in shock to meet the already raised one. I never slip up in front of other people, and Frank knows that. Frank and I stared at each other nervously for a moment before Bob broke the silence.

"Well okay then?" He said, finally pulling himself up off the floor. He plopped down onto the couch and motioned for the others to do the same. Ray sat next to him, and Mikey between him and Ray. Gerard occupied the arm chair on the opposite side of the living room. He continued his stare in Frank and I's direction. What's up with this kid? And why does he give me such an odd vibe. 

"So is there anything you guys wanna do?" Frank spoke up, pulling me slightly closer as I tensed up. The others shrugged leaving us hopeless. 

"I know a cool spot in the woods I gue-"

"No." I shot my head up, cutting off Gerard. He raised an eyebrow at me in confusion and looked at me as if I had three heads. Frank looked down at me understanding why I shot down the idea.

"What? Afraid?" Bob taunted. I stuck my tongue out at him and flipped him off. Bob clutched his chest playing hurt.

"Just.... not in the mood, I guess." I calmed down. 

"I think she's afraid that somethings' gonna get her." Gerard smirked. I stared at him shocked. Does he know? Did Frank tell him? Wait, why would Frank tell him? And when? Maybe he can read my mind. Naw, that's far-fetched. Maybe, just maybe, he's the thing that attacked me. Likely? No.

"N-No. I'm not afraid that somethings' gonna get me." I folded my arms. Gerard seemed to still be amused with himself.

"Whatever you say Sugar." He tsked. Gerard leaned back in the chair, still holding his smirk. What is with this guy? And why is he really attractive? Wait..... what?

"Let's just go to the movies or something." Frank suggested. Mikey looked like he was gonna say something but Gerard silenced him and checked his phone.

"Mikes we gotta get home." Gerard pocketed his phone and summoned his brother. Mikey looked slightly dissapointed but followed along. 

"Yeah, I'm getting kinda hungry." Mikey rubbed the back of his neck. "I could go for a hu-" Gerard shoved Mikey before he could finish his sentence. Gerard's eyes were popping out of his head as Mikey made a look of realization. Without another word, the two walked out of the house leaving an awkward silence behind.

Gerard's POV

"Gerard, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to slip up like that." My younger brother apologized once we walked out off Elle's house. 

I waved him off, "It's fine. Just be careful, okay?" 

Mikey looked at me confused, "So that's it? You're not gonna yell at me?" I shook my head. "Why are you in such a good mood?" Mikey asked suspiciously.

"I found something out about little Elle." I smirked to myself. Mikey raised an eyebrow.

"You read her mind, didn't you?"

"I have to ability to. Why should I waste it?" I replied.

"What did you find out?" Mikey rolled his eyes. I smirked once again.

"Elle here is a psychic."


"Yup." I popped the 'p' "She gets visions of the future. That's why she didn't want to go to the woods. She had a vision something would attack her. And I know exactly what it was. And who it was for that matter." I explained. Mikey looked more confused than before.

"Who?" The younger questioned. 

"I'm not telling. It's better if you don't know."

"I'm guessing they're like us?" 

"Correct." I nodded. Mikey was silent for a moment before speaking up once again. 

"Is Elle in danger?" 

"Probably not. I think it was a false vision. That person, last time I checked at least, is far far away from here. Elle shouldn't worry."

"Whatever you say Gee." Mikey replied. And like that, the conversation was over. It gave me some time alone with my thoughts. I wonder if Elle suspects anything about us. I wonder if Bob told her about us-what we are. Probably not. Bob doesn't tell anyone that kind of stuff. Maybe I should tell her. Oh how funny that would be.

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