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We made it to the spot that Gee prefers to do his hunting. The others came with us but have gone their separate ways to hunt. I made an effort to keep a tight grip on Gerard's hand as we wove between the trees. It was dusk, so there was just barely enough light for us to see but not enough for humans to be able to see us. Currently, were sitting up in a tree, waiting for someone to come by. All around, I'm absolutely terrified. Not only cause I'm going to be drinking from a human, but also because I'm going to have to watch Gerard kill someone. 

"You've seen me kill before though." Gerard told me after obviously reading my mind.

"I thought I said no mind reading Gerard."

"And I made an exception."

"And that is?"

"I'll only read your mind when there's obviously something wrong with you. Which there is." He said matter-of-factually. "Anyways, you've seen me kill before Elle."

"No I haven't. I've never joined you on a hunt before." 

"I'm talking about with.... Andy." Gerard rephrased. I shook my head at him.

"If you remember correctly, I was quite literally dying on the ground after being bitten." I told him. Gerard made an 'oh' face and seemed to drop the subject. 

"You don't have to watch. I'll let you know when you can come down." He rubbed my hand that was laced with his. I looked down at our hands, then back up at him. There was some sort of emotion on him that I've never seen before, and have no clue how to describe it. Sympathy maybe? No, no. Empathy.

"You've been in my place before, haven't you?" I asked, quieting my voice. Gerard slowly nodded his head.

"I was scared to death. I didn't even know that one day I'd be doing this. No time to mentally prepare myself. Ray had taken me on my first hunt. I backed out. I was too scared in the same way you are. It wasn't until he offered to do the killing first. When I watched him do it, I couldn't look at him the same. Which is hypocritical since I...." Gerard took a deep breath to clear his head. He didn't want to think of what had happened, and it's my fault that it got brought up, "I just don't want you to see me in the same way that I saw him."

"No matter what you do, I'll never look at you differently. We're in this together now, remember? If doing this makes you a killer, then I'm your partner in crime." I reached up to tuck a few strands of hair behind his ear. A smile formed on his face as he pulled me into him. 

"I love you so much Elle."

"I love yo-" I stopped myself as the sound of a twig breaking snapped me out of my trance. Gerard looked up and me and continued our conversation in my head.

'I'm gonna hop down to see if someones there, okay?' He spoke into my mind. I nodded my head. Gee pecked my cheek before silently swinging down the branch. A few seconds later I heard a scream, followed by a "Dude what the fuck!"

"Frank?" I heard Gerard's voice. Curious, I swung down off the branch and followed Gerard's scent to find him. There I saw Gerard pinning Frank down on the ground, straddling him.

"Gerard that's gay." I laughed while leaning against a tree. Gerard quickly jumped off of Frank and over to my side. 

"I'm not gay." He muttered to himself. 

"Really? Cause that looked pretty gay." Mikey joined Frank's side. 

"Do I really need to prove that I'm hetero to you guys?" Gerard pouted.

"Depends on how you do it." I told him with a smirk. The second Gerard noticed my smirk, he pinned me against the tree and kissed me with pure fire. Gerard used so much force that I'm shocked that the tree didn't go falling over. 

Feeling ~ Vampire!Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now