Chapter 10

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I don't know how y'all people are reading this, or liking this? I just wrote down some of the stories that come to my head. The rest is on paper and I'm to lazy to re write that. But y'all already know I'm lazy. Time for apologize~ sorry for bad grammar or miss spelling. I'm in honors but auto corrects a bitch!! *SCREAMS intensified* I bet none of you are even going to read this. I'm just having major writers block and started writing my intro but continued.

*awkward pause, rolls back and forth on feet.*

So let's start the chapter why don't we.


We walked back to the Tesla and I decided this was the perfect moment to ask her, "what the hell happened in there? What's with all the lies?" She sighed and did u-turn.

"I lied because the vice principle is a sleaze bag that makes me uncomfortable and will look over anything for money. And less questions less drama." I nodded, good argument. I sat back and sang to songs on the radio.


When we got back to the house Alyssa had to run and do some errands. I waved goodbye and walked inside. Everything still felt super foreign and I felt uncomfortable and stifled. I'm being over dramatic.

I slipped off my shoes by the door and set my jacket down on a chair. It was pure silence in the house. Was anybody home? And did I care? No no I dont. I smirked and wondered the house.


I'm a need to make a friken map of the Damn house, like walking in a maze. I finally got out and laid on There fancy ass leather couch like a potato.

After laying there doing nothing for a while then getting bored, I started to spin and go upside down. I turned on the tv and flipped through channels. Played some MCR songs and lost my shit. Acted like I was in a music video. You know, the usual.

I was pretending to save my new best friend, pillow, who was playing my co star jack, in a remake of the Titanic. I was holding the edge of him and shaking my head, saying "I'll never let you go jack." Then trying not to snort because we all know that's bs. Then I heard a voice, "what the fuck are you doing."

I was so shocked i dropped pillow aka "jack". Still halfway in my head I yelled, "No jack!" Jumped over the edge of the couch , crouched down and picked him up. I held him to my body. Damn I am now emotionally attached to this pillow.

Turning i glared at the voice, it was two people, of course. Brian and Ash. I new Brian was an asshole but I didn't know Ash's game.
"So, what the fuck were you doing?" Ashes eyes danced with amusement and Brian looked like he wanted to laugh and be pissed at the same time.

Still holding the pillow i put a hand on my hip. "Um, I'm clearly saving Jack from an icy death that Rose could have prevented." I stated it like it should be obvious.

They gave me blank stares, I rolled in my feet and hopped back into the couch. "Now if you can excuse me I have to find something that will scar me for life and make me want to burn my eyes out." They gave me weird looks. "Oh and dont worry I counted you off the list already." I directed that to Brian.

I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears and I saw Ash's lip pull up a fraction. Pleased with myself I turned the tv onto a marvel movie because that's what I saw on. And I love marvel.

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