Chapter 22

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It has been brought to the attention that I have been messing up some character names. I am so sorry to anyone I've confused with that. I didn't mean to. The character named Jordan was being called Ethan for a hot second but I changed it back. If I mess up any more names please tell me. Leave it up to me to mess up my own characters names. Well after that short announcement let's see what's happening with our characters!!

Satans screams woke me up. Rolling out of bed I unplugged my alarm and threw it at my bed. God, I hate that sound.

I dragged my body to the bathroom. The door wasn't locked so I opened it thinking no one was in there.

I came face to face with the chest of a god. A chiseled by the lean chest. Just the right amount of muscle where it's hot and athletic, but not so much that it was gross.

"Sorry." I squeaked and slammed the door shut. The last thing I saw was Austin's red face and his delicious v line before the towel.

I put my hands over my face knowing I was redder than a tomato. Oh lord. Why? At least he wasn't naked.

The image of his naked body flooded my mine and it made me even redder. Why are the boys here so hot?

I quickly went to my room. My face was still hot letting me know that I was still blushing. Taking in several deep breaths I rubbed my cheeks.

This house is literally a mansion has like 70,000 rooms. That is useless or not being used but they can have personal bathrooms?

Ugh, now I sound like an ungrateful brat. Walking over to my closet I took out one of the uniforms. I smacked my tongue at the top of my mouth like I tasted something discouraging.

The longingly looked over at the sweatpants dangling from my desk chair. How badly o just want to wear a t-shirt and sweats to school.

But no, I have to wear a skirt and all these extra layers of clothing that's not needed. I threw the offending items onto my bed and headed back to the hallway.

I hesitated at my door, the image of Austin's abs swam through my head. I hit my head on the door several times.

Stop. Hit. Thinking. Hit. About. Hit. His. Hit. Body. Relaxing my body o layer my head on the door.

This time not damaging my skull and losing what little brain cells I have left. I released a breath and opened the door.

Quickly I headed to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Hello?" I knocked again. "Anyone in there? I'm coming in."

Slowly I opened the door. I kept my eyes closed even when the door was all the way opened, and waited a few seconds.

When no one screamed bloody murder I opened my eyes. Quickly I shut the door and turned on the water.

I forgot about my clothes and everything else. I ran to my room and grabbed all my things and ran back to the bathroom.

I don't trust any of the men here. Any moment they could come and steal what little time I have in the bathroom.

Turning into the shower water to the perfect temperature. Right in between hot and cold. It's cold enough to wake you up but not cold enough to actually count as cold.

I brushed my hair and my teeth, then headed to the shower. I went super quick so I could have enough time to email Yaz. Can't forget about my partner in crime.

Drying my body and hair I put on the awful uniform. Once I looked like I belonged in either a kinky club or an old school girl movie I left the bathroom.

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